Literary readings in the library. Promotion of books and reading in the Pskov region. Social partnership of libraries

  • 29.03.2020

Every person is obliged to take care of his intellectual development. This is his duty to the society in which he lives and to himself. The main way of intellectual development is reading

D. S. Likhachev

The library... the ancient and ever-living abode of the human mind. The fixed rows of bookshelves contain countless facets of the living world: the irreconcilable struggle of ideas, inquisitive scientific research, enjoyment of the beautiful, gaining knowledge, entertainment, etc. - ad infinitum. All the life of the universe is concentrated in this magical crystal, called the library. Today we are overwhelmed by an avalanche of information. How to master and assimilate this information? What should be done in order not to clutter up one's mind with rubbish that is not needed, to enrich it with the knowledge of all the facts, without which there can be no modern educated person? The library should become the center of reading guidance for readers, especially in adolescence. How to help the reader, especially the teenage reader, find the answer to his question, based on the book? The librarian is required to be able, using various forms and methods of communication with readers, to manage the reading process, seeking to arouse the interest of the modern teenager in the classics, in order to awaken the process of self-awareness in him, to push him to choose a spiritual model of behavior.

Reading is an indicator not only of the state of society, but also of society's attitude to its future.

In recent years, there has been a need to increase the role of libraries in the educational impact on the younger generation, to realize the impact of reading on the process of socialization of an individual at any age. Of particular concern is the reading of young people, as the most dynamic social group and the most active category of readers in need of knowledge. Hence the role modern library, which has always been both a repository of information and the basis for education and culture.

To support and develop reading it is necessary:

More actively support initiatives and use the experience of other libraries in promoting reading, primarily among children and adolescents;

Introduce into practice modern forms and methods of popularizing the book, aimed at improving the quality of reading;

Actively inform specialists working with children and youth about the latest domestic and foreign literature;

Actively promote traditions family reading;

Pay increased attention to the development of literary creativity in children, adolescents, youth and adults;

Develop and implement targeted comprehensive programs and innovative projects to support reading, including those involving the introduction and use of modern technologies;

To form a positive image of the library in the local community, using modern PR technologies for this purpose.

Reading support forms:

2. Information forms: significant literary dates, awards in the field of literature, books-anniversaries, writers-anniversaries, events dedicated to reading, reviews of new books, thematic selections of publications, books, video and audio reports, meetings with participants in the literary and publishing process, analysis of the literary segment of the Internet.

3. Interactive forms: polls, online quizzes on the work of the author (authors), ratings of books and writers, voting.


Raise the interest of the local community in the national book, reading and library;

To revive the prestige of reading;

To involve the younger generation in an interactive dialogue, in reading literary texts on the Internet and on electronic media;

Stimulate the initiative and creativity of readers;

Contribute to strengthening the positive image of the library in the eyes of the public as an information and cultural center;

Preservation of family reading traditions.

The main directions of popularization of reading in libraries:

Popularization of classical literature (both within and outside the curriculum);

Acquaintance with modern literature;

Support for literary creativity of readers;

Development of leisure reading of periodicals;

Involvement in reading in the library as a whole.

3. Kapytok, A. Library exhibition - visiting card of the library // Library Light. - 2011. - No. 5. - p. 18 - 19.

4. Karzanova, A. Development of innovative forms of exhibition activity // Library of Prapanue. - 2012. - No. 2. - p. 20-26.

5. Loginov, B. Priority - computer networks [information technology] // Library. - 2011. - No. 4. - p. 14 - 15.

6. With the library - into the future: the experience of the information and educational multimedia center of the Central Children's Library named after. A.P. Gaidar, Borisov // Library of Prapanue. - 2011. - No. 4. - p. 26-28.

7. Smolskaya, G. Books of the Day [project of the Zhodino Central City Library to open the fund and promote books] // Library of Prapanue. - 2011. - No. 6. - p. 28-30.

8. Khilyutich, I. Small forms - a tangible result // Library of Prapanue. - 2010. - No. 10. - p. 34 - 36.

9. Hololova, L. Find your book, realize your uniqueness! // Library of the Prapanue. - 2012 .. - No. 2 .. - p. 28-30.

10. Shchelkova, I. One topic – different exhibitions // Library. - 2011. - No. 5. - p.17 - 23.

11. Chernova, T. Organization of the library space // Bibliyateka Prapanue. - 2012. - No. 1. - p.2 - 7.

Screen adaptation of works of fiction as a way to promote reading

In today's world, people live at a fast pace and there is not always time for reading. All countries of the world have faced the problem of a non-reading society. Many pedagogical, psychological, library, media and other methods of promoting reading have been developed.

Among the media methods, the most effective is the film adaptation of works of art.

Screen adaptation - staging a movie based on another work of art (most often, based on a literary work). She interprets works of another genre in the language of cinema. Literary works have been the basis of screen images of cinema from the first days of its existence, so one of the first screen adaptations is the work of the founders of feature cinema Georges Méliès, Victorin Jasse, Louis Feuillade, who transferred the works of J. Swift, D. Defoe, I. V. Goethe to the screen.

Throughout almost the entire history of cinema and up to the present time, among art historians and, in particular, film critics, there has been a widespread point of view that film adaptation is a kind of “translation” from the language of literature into the language of cinema.

Based on the history of cinema, three types of film adaptation can be identified:

1. Direct film adaptation (literal transcription) - a film adaptation that repeats the book, giving the viewer the opportunity once again, only in the cinema format, to get in touch with the original source. Examples of such film adaptations are the films "Harry Potter" by Chris Columbus, "Heart of a Dog", many European series based on the classics (screen adaptations of Ch. Dickens, W. Shakespeare, L. N. Tolstoy, F. M. Dostoevsky, etc.) , in which scrupulously, series by series, the book is transmitted in all its glory, sometimes quite literally, to all the dialogues and off-screen texts.

Adaptations of this kind are almost always good films that are enjoyable to watch. Sometimes a direct adaptation creates a masterpiece. For example, Leonid Bondarchuk's film "War and Peace" has become something more than a neat, comfortable and unassuming adaptation of a well-known text to the screen.

2. Screen adaptation based on. Its goal is to show a familiar work in a new perspective. Often this form is used when the book cannot physically be transferred to the movie screen literally due to a mismatch of volumes, political interpretation, or when the action in the book is closed on the hero’s inner experiences, which are difficult to show without being converted into dialogues and events. Screen adaptation of this type does not strictly correspond to the original source, but conveys the main thing, adding something new. Such adaptations in the history of cinema are overwhelming. An example is PJ Hogan's Peter Pan (in which J. Barry's fairy tale was modernized and acquired a new context, becoming interesting to today's children and adolescents) and most Soviet adaptations of children's books: from Mary Goodbye Poppins!" to "Little Red Riding Hood", which were often a worthy transcription of the book into film language.

3. General film adaptation aims to create a new, original film work based on the material of the book, which is interconnected with the original source and complements it. Good Examples- Tarkovsky's films ("Solaris" and "Stalker"), "Space Odyssey 2001" by Stanley Kubrick. This is a movie that takes a step further than the usual film adaptations. It not only transfers the original source to the screen, but makes discoveries in the field of film culture and film language.

Any film adaptation, even the most remote from the original source, uses the ideas, material, plots, images, atmosphere of the work. That is, it takes the resources of the source text and disposes of them. And therefore it is fair that it is by the degree of implementation of these resources that we will evaluate the result. To paraphrase A. Saint-Exupery, we can state: "... the screener is responsible for what he screens."

Against the backdrop of a "reading crisis", film adaptation becomes an effective way to support and promote reading. The premiere of the film "Inhabited Island", based on the novel of the same name by the Strugatsky brothers, caused a noticeable increase in demand for the book.

Not all young people like to read - now there are quite a wide variety of activities, hobbies - the Internet, computer games, sports, but to show a screen version of a really important and instructive literary work means to convey the author's idea not in text, but in visual form. After all, everyone loves to watch movies, one way or another.

Thus, literature and cinema - different types art, each of them has its own means of conveying feelings, emotions. But with the right combination, we have excellent film adaptations. The book and cinema in this case complement each other, represent a single whole.

Screening uses special means transmission, and very often a film, presents a familiar work from a different point of view, causing it to be read again.

Book exhibition as a way to the reader in the information space of the library

There are several definitions of the term "book exhibition". They are published in the "Librarian's Handbook", "Terminological Dictionary of Librarianship and Related Professions", "Librarian's Quick Reference Guide". All options are given in the manual Zborovskaya N. V. " Exhibition activity public libraries", but their essence is one thing: a book exhibition is a traditional form of mass work libraries, the most popular and up-to-date, focused with minimal time spent on informing users about the content of library funds, about new arrivals, as well as aimed at promoting and advertising the best documents, disclosing their content. Tasks - promoting reading, facilitating the search for the necessary information, drawing attention to a particular problem, a particular document. The exhibitions can be used to judge the style of the library - creative or formal, the attitude towards the reader.

I bring to your attention interesting, in my opinion, exhibitions that can be used in work

Exhibition-visiting card of the library

Exhibition of one book "Birch alphabet" (city library No. 1)

Exhibition-installation "Book leaf fall" (city library No. 1)

Exhibition-installation "Literary House" (Hall of Arts)

Exhibition-recognition "At the crossroads of roads and times" (city library No. 7)

Exhibition-opening day "Mom - the purest love deity" (city specialized library No. 5)

Exhibition "The Road to Eternity Lies to a Feat" (City Library No. 1)

Exhibition "Staronki minulaga native land" (children's department of the library)

Exhibition "In the Arena of the Library Circus" (Children's Department of the Library)

Exhibition-advertising "For children about animals" (hall of literature in foreign languages)

Exhibition-parade “You are Victory. You are beyond words "(City Library No. 2)

Exhibition - a reminder "Without memory there is no conscience" (Central Library)

Exhibition-installation "Front line poets... The war rhymed your lives..." (Central Library)

Exhibition-installation "And the song also fought" (subscription of the central library)

Exhibition-panorama "War sacred pages" (city library No. 1)

Exhibition-panorama "In the book memory of a moment of war" (city library No. 1)

Book exhibition "31 books to be read before the age of 31" (subscription of the central library)

Library blogs are a tool for promoting library news, exchanging experience in promoting books and reading, informing about upcoming events, new acquisitions in the library fund, and attracting a new audience.

Libraries shape and enhance the information culture of users and everything local population by teaching them computer literacy in library resources and the basics of working on the Internet. Information culture services are being created at many libraries, and free computer courses for various segments of the population are operating, where the basics of computer and information literacy are taught. These courses are becoming very popular, especially among the elderly.

And, of course, we should not forget about the corporate identity, which includes the development of a logo, letterhead, business cards, invitations, certificates, diplomas to reward readers. A set of graphic elements that libraries use on company order forms, promotional materials, and publishing products makes it possible to create a holistic view of the library's activities so that it is remembered and recognized as a kind and good friend.

Cultural and leisure programs- "Sunday in the Library", "Library Night", "Library After-school".

Literary brain-rings- “In the circle of favorite books”, “Writers of our childhood”.

Comprehensive forms of book and reading promotion– “Reader's Pleasure Day”, “A Day with a Writer”, “Literary Gourmet Day”, “Non Boring Classics”, “Reader's Day”.

Round table- a complex form that has enriched itself with new content: "Youth and the book: are there any common ground?", "To read or not to read: in search of a compromise."

Popular forms in recent years have become youth street flash mobs: “Favorite book”, “A minute of reading”, “How to get to the library?”, “Open your book”. The advantage of such actions is in mass character, speed and colorfulness.

Promotion of books and reading in transport and recreation areas- "Literary arbor in the park", "Reading Boulevard", "Book Alley", "Read-courtyard", literary readings“On the steps”, “Summer open-air reading room”, “With a book on a bench”, “Book on the road!”, “Reading without stopping”, “Reading route”, “Literary bus”, etc.

Summer Reading Programs“Vacation without a book is summer without the sun.”

Events aimed at the revival of family traditions of reading I: stock“Reading as a gift to mom”, “Reading from the cradle”, “The first books for our baby” (in maternity hospitals, all newborns are issued a library card, and parents are given sets of literature, booklets, memos and lists); competition"Dad, mom, book, me: together - a book family"; reflection hour for parents What are our children reading? parent hour"There will be harmony in the family, if the book is happy," family celebration"Take a book with your family"; family reading circle"Read it"; evening meeting with a book What did my parents read? quiz"The theme of the family in works of art"; complex forms"Family Benefit", "Family Reading Day".

Bright innovative forms of work to promote the book attract young people. Therefore, library specialists are looking for new forms in their work, creatively approaching events for the younger generation. Poetry rings, literary stagecoaches, dossiers, New Book Days, Days of Literary Games, Birthday Book Days, book defile, literary salons, poetry swings are held in all libraries for young people. etc. Bookcrossing is developing.

While promoting books and reading, librarians constantly study readers' opinions about literature, identify their preferences and assessments, and conduct surveys. For example, blitz polls“Ten books that shocked you”, “What role does reading play in your life?”, “In my family they read”; phone surveys about reader habits, flash polls with a video camera"Do you like reading books?"; questioning“Culture, reading, library through the eyes of youth”, “Library of my dreams”, “You and your library”, “Book, reading, library in your life”; monitoring Who are you, our reader?

Reading makes us grow

growing gradually to the best,

what can be expressed using the alphabet

L. Ulitskaya

Promotion of books and reading is the main activity of every library.
Programs to promote books and reading are being implemented with the involvement of all categories of the population in libraries, but special attention is paid to promoting the reading of children, adolescents and young people.

Libraries of the region are constantly in search of new, non-standard forms of work, interesting programs of events are being developed aimed at promoting the book, attracting readers and creating a positive image of the library. The library becomes the center of leisure and informal communication.

The main events of 2012 in the cultural life of the library community of the Pskov region were such significant regional events as:

- IXInternational Book Forum "Russian West".

- IXInterregional festival to promote books and reading "Autumn in Mikhailovsky".

- VIRegional Chud Readings.

September 12 - 14, 2012 in the village of Pushkinskiye Gory, Pskov Region, the IX Interregional Book and Reading Promotion Festival "Autumn in Mikhailovsky" was held. In 2012, the festival was dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the creation of regional reading centers in Russia. Within the framework of the Festival, a virtual scientific and practical conference "Promotion of reading in Russia: a range of ideas, concepts and practices" was held. Issues such as:

– attracting the population to reading as the goal of a modern library;

- priority areas of the Centers' activities: yesterday, today, tomorrow;

– programs and projects in the field of reading: problems, achievements, prospects;

- evaluation of the effectiveness of work to promote reading;

– partnership in support of reading: the experience of Russian libraries;

IX International Book Forum "Russian West" was held on April 5-7, 2012. The guests of the book forum "Russian West" were the author of the literary project "Without gloss", candidate of philological sciences P.E. Fokin, the authors of the children's project "Zhuzha" Professor A. Korotich and producer K. Preobrazhensky, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation E.A. Yamburg, writer M. Khemlin.

One of the pages of the Forum's program was devoted to the Pskov book: the organization of the Pskov Book 2011 exhibition, which presented the printing products of our region, as well as summing up the results of the competition for the best publishing products.

The CLS of Pskov has developed and is implementing a program to promote books and reading "Pskov Reader". Within the framework of the international library project "111Olga" in the mode of n-line a poetic dialogue "Olga: from Pskov to Kyiv", a meeting of Russian and Ukrainian poets, Pskov and Kyiv.

The “Rodnik” library held the “Library Without Borders” campaign in order to draw attention to reading, services and library opportunities. The slogans of the action were “If you don’t read books, you will forget your soon-to-read diploma”, “Be taller – read”. The participants of the action talked about reading, talked about the variety of books and a wide range of periodicals. Simultaneously with this action, the action "Bookcrossing" was held. On the day of the city of the Central Library Service of Pskov, a holiday was organized “Oh my Pskov, the city of bookworms!”. In the libraries of the city, events were held, united by common themes:

  1. « Children's holiday of library pleasures”: game programs, competitions for children, summer reading rooms in open areas near the libraries of the city.
  2. Action - a meeting of reading Pskov "I will give a book to good hands!”: exchange of books from home libraries between readers in city libraries and summer reading rooms.
  3. Citywide book and illustrative exhibition "Pskov in the history of the Russian state": City Day and Year Russian history dedicated.
  4. Celebrating City Day at the Library!

The meeting place is the Central City Library.

In the program: the premiere of the book of poems by A.A. Alexandrov "... And Pskov eternal

road", an exhibition of one painting "In search of the image of Olga", the author -

member of the Union of Artists of Russia A. Zhbanov, meeting with a historian, local historian

M.I. Zuev "Olga - the organizer of the Russian state".

  1. Libmob of librarians and volunteers on the streets of Pskov « Find your library
  2. "A state named Pskov » : information and bibliographic resource on the CLS website

As part of the City Days, the BiblioLub Library organized a Reading Reserve. The people of Pskov could find THEIR book and replenish their home library. As part of the Time to Read campaign, the Rodnik Library opened a summer open-air reading room. Under the motto "I will give the book in good hands!" readers were invited to exchange books from home libraries. Of great interest was the "Book preference tree", on which you could leave a colored ribbon. The colors of the ribbons corresponded to different books: from classic literature to science fiction, detective stories and romance novels. Also in the library "Rodnik" a literary and musical evening of the composer N. Mishukov "In memory of the great poet", dedicated to the work of S. Zolottsev, was held.

Meetings with famous writers, poets, and literary critics contribute to the attraction to reading. Chudakova (Moscow). The meeting was devoted to the presentation of the book "Egor: A Biographical Novel". The writer held a literary quiz, during which the most active readers were given the opportunity to choose their favorite book with the author's autograph.

Libraries of Velikiye Luki during the year worked under the program "Reading - Fashion Out of Time". As part of the celebration of the City Day, the library introduced citizens to the work of well-known aspiring authors, local historians "outside the walls of the library." The holiday was preceded by the library Internet action "Reading Together". 20 days before the holiday, site users got acquainted with the work of 20 local poets. The library together with the newspaper Velikolukskaya Pravda. News” a literary competition “My most memorable day in the context of the history of Velikiye Luki” was announced. The competition was held in two categories: prose and poetry. The winners presented their creative works at the festival. Interactive platforms worked near the walls of the library.

The "Reading City" campaign aimed to attract new readers, and it succeeded. Readers communicated with writers at the impromptu "Book Meadow". The library developed the cycle "Author in the Library". There was a meeting with the Velikoluksky poet A. Ryabikhin, he presented his new collection of poems “When the Stars Are Falling”. It has become traditional to hold the Day of a Specialist - teachers of the Russian language and literature. A book exhibition “Methodology. Experience. Mastery". The staff of the reading room conducted a review of new literature on literary criticism, the Russian language and the culture of speech. During the year, libraries hold Information Days for young people “The world of knowledge opens a book”, “New books for you”. Literary evenings dedicated to jubilee writers contributed to the promotion of reading. In library No. 3, a meeting was held with the poet, member of the Writers' Union of Russia, rock musician G. Moiseenko.

In the Central Library Service of Velikoluksky District On the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the district, the presentation of the book "Historical milestones of the land of Velikolukskaya" was held. Interesting reports were made by the authors of publications, local historian V. Orlov, director of the Polibinsky memorial estate museum S.V. Kovalevskoy V. Rumyantseva, local historian S. Petrov and others. Also, the specialists of the Central Library Library prepared and held a presentation of a collection of poems by amateur poets of the Velikoluksky region “Voice of the Soul”.

On the basis of the Lychevskaya secondary school, as part of the Week of Children's and Youth Books, an electronic presentation competition was held under the title "I love to read!". The children were invited to present their favorite book in a colorful and exciting way. The winner was Khodunova N. with A. Green's book " Scarlet Sails". In the Plaksinskaya rural library for high school students, a reader's conference “Books that we choose” was organized. As part of the activities of the literary and poetic club “Strings of the Heart”, meetings were held with local history historian S. Petrov, poets E. Izmailova, G. Shelgunova. evening of the local poet L. Klimov "And creativity became my destiny."

in the Gdovsky district throughout the year, the library opened a book and illustration exhibition “Library is a kind book house”, dedicated to the 975th anniversary of the first well-known library in Russia and the 150th anniversary of the Russian State Library. In 2012, they were dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of V.A. Kaverina. The action "Knigovorot" became interesting, during which readers of the library could exchange read books with each other. In the summer, as part of the book and reading festival "Open Your Book", an open-air reading room was open, where one could get acquainted with literary novelties.

In the regional library of the Dnovsky district campaign "Read! And let the whole world wait". Book exhibitions and expositions worked in all departments of the library: “Marina is a protected country”, dedicated to M. Tsvetaeva and “Live in harmony with your conscience”, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of V. Rasputin. Book reviews of the series “I Love You, My Russia” and “Great Secrets of History” were conducted for teachers. An unusual lesson was attended by students of the gymnasium, dedicated to the book trailer - a modern way to promote a fiction book. Its main task is to tell about the book and interest the reader. When creating a booktrailer, video, illustrations, and photographs are used. The children were asked to create their own book trailers based on their favorite books. The best ones were posted on the library website.

Loknyansk Central Regional Library took part in the project "Center of Attraction of Joy". Throughout the summer, an open-air Sunday reading room was open. Each day of the reading room had a specific theme. So on the opening day, the presentation of the book exhibition "Books-anniversaries 2012" took place. The Day of Family, Love and Fidelity was presented with the exhibition "Love for All Seasons", dedicated to the love story of Peter and Fevronia. The August reading room "Zarnik, Serpen, August" was dedicated to folk traditions. The action "Reading with the whole family" was dedicated to the writers-anniversaries of 2012. In the CRH, a survey was conducted for readers "What book do you read?"

Literary drawing rooms dedicated to the 120th anniversary of M. Tsvetaeva, and A.K. Tolstoy, and a discussion of Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. In the libraries of the district, the days of information "Planet periodicals", bibliographic lessons "The book is a source of knowledge", information hours dedicated to writers-anniversaries were held.

Various events aimed at promoting reading were held in the libraries of the Pskov region. These are: Days of Information "Unconquered Land of Pskov", poetry evenings and exhibitions dedicated to the work of poets of the Pskov region. A literary evening dedicated to the work of I. Bunin and V. Nabokov took place in the Solovyov Library. The Ershov Library hosted a thematic hour "Simply Fantasy", dedicated to the work of science fiction writers. Celebrations were held in the Neyolovsky Library on the occasion of the 30th anniversary. The guests were presented with presentations - "The history of the creation of the library" and "Who is a librarian?" In the Exhibition Library, a meeting was held with the writer and composer Yu.M. Skopenko, at which the writer's new works were performed. Bologov and T. Gorelikova, who spoke about their new works. In all libraries of the district, events dedicated to the writers-anniversaries of 2012 were held:

Literary game based on the work of M.Yu. Lermontov "He was an inspirational source ..." and according to his poem "Borodino" (Karamyshev Library)

Literary evening "Live in harmony with your conscience" (to the 75th anniversary of V. Rasputin) (Soloviev Library)

Poetic vernissage "And I knew wisdom and sorrow" (to the 75th anniversary of B. Akhmadulina) (Sovovievskaya Bibl.)

Literary hour “Fate. Character. Poetry”, dedicated to the work of A. Akhmatova. (Soloviev Library)

Exhibition-review "On the poetry of L. Malyakov" (on the occasion of the 85th anniversary) (Stremutka Library)

Creative literary evenings dedicated to A.S. Pushkin, were held in all libraries of the region.

In the Opochets region many events were dedicated to the memory of V.M. Rusakov, opochanin, Pushkinist. In 2012, he would have turned 85 years old. Employees of the Pushkin Reserve showed a film with the participation of V.M. Rusakov, after which an evening of memories of him passed. A wonderful performance of the 3rd chapter from "Eugene Onegin" and memories of the first meeting with V.M. Rusakovs followed from the scientific and methodological center of V.G. Nikiforov.

On the All-Russian Day of Libraries, the library hosted a literary theater dedicated to the 75th anniversary of V. Rasputin “Lessons of Conscience and Truth”. Artists of the folk theater O. Tarasova and V. Moroz performed the production directed by Yu.A. Ivanova based on the story of V. Rasputin "Women's Conversation".

One of the interesting forms of work was the discussion “What could Russia be like?” to the 150th anniversary of the birth of P.A. Stolypin.

Pushkinskie Gory Library The Week of the Youth Book “The Wealth of the Book Fund” was held, which included exhibitions, tournaments and literature reviews. The events were held at the schools of the district. An interesting, well-established form of work was the holding of library campaigns in various areas of work. Thus, the “Book is the best gift” campaign was launched in the secondary school: at parent meetings, recommendatory lists of literature were presented, where the best works for young people were presented, based on which parents could choose a book for their children as a gift. “Don’t you read in the library? Not? Then we're coming to you!" - such an action took place in a secondary school, librarians organized a mobile reading room and introduced students to literary novelties.

The librarians of the Central District Hospital introduced the students to the exhibition “The Origins of the Russian Soul”, dedicated to the life and work of V. Belov. Rural libraries of the district also held interesting events to promote the book: organizing a holiday-journey to the country of poetry “Your spring holiday blooms with a smile” in the Vasilyevsky Library; holding a quiz as part of the Week of Children's and Youth Books "A book is your best friend" in the Veleisky library.

In the libraries of the Dedovichi district were held literary drawing rooms dedicated to the work of A. Fet "The whole world from beauty"; M. Tsvetaeva "I am the mortal foam of the sea"; S. Yesenin “I thank you for all my life”; B. parsnip “So that a candle burns in me forever; A. Akhmatova "Fate did not bypass me." Together with the regional leisure center, the library held a musical and literary evening about the life and work of B. Okudzhava "Let's understand each other perfectly." The problem of "dying villages" in the Sorokinskaya library was devoted to the evening-debate "Farewell to the village". The story "Farewell to Matyora" by V. Rasputin and the collection "Lad" by V. Belov were taken as the basis. For the 75th anniversary of V. Rasputin, the Sosonsky library developed an overview of the writer's work and a debate on the story "Fire". International Mother's Day was dedicated to the literary evening "Love never goes out in her heart", which included poems and songs about mother. AT summer time The district libraries have developed summer reading programs: “Books have no holidays!”, “Summer, oh, summer!”. It has become a tradition in the district libraries to reward the best readers with the "Best Reader".

In the library of the Ostrovsky district On the occasion of the day of Slavic writing and culture, the Day of Information “The Light of Book Understanding” was held, within the framework of which an exhibition, literary reviews on the topic were presented. In the service department of the Central District Hospital, a panorama exhibition “A Year Without Boring Books” was held, created jointly with readers. A Cure for Boredom”, etc. Before the New Year, a reader's lottery “Treasures of the Bookshelf” was organized for readers.

In the Novorzhevskaya library a marathon "Poetic Voices of Centuries" was prepared for high school students. Foreign poetry from antiquity to the 20th century sounded with the lines of its best representatives: Homer, Dante, R. Burns, G. Heine, F.G. Lorca. The children learned about the eras in which the poets lived, listened to their poems. The quiz game “We will read more” was organized in the library for children, on which they solved a book crossword puzzle, walked along Literary Street, deciphered the letter of an absent-minded friend, by final letters made up the names of the characters, talked about their favorite books. The express review “We are a part of the country, we are a corner of Russia” introduced me to the Pskov anniversaries: L. Malyakov, S. Zolottsev, V. Mukhin, M. Fedorov from Novorzhevsk.

In the Nevelsky district the library is also actively working towards the promotion of books and reading. Information hours “Books-events, books - history”, “We read and think”, days of the book “New books - new authors”, days of the historical book, etc. are periodically held. ". The authors of the almanac Kuzenkova N., Volkova N., Parinkina E. met with readers. In April, a poetry festival was held in the Central District Hospital - the poets of the Nevelsky, Pustoshkinsky and Usvyatsky regions gathered.

Plyussky Central District Hospital Carried out the following activities to promote the book:

- "Week of literature of the countries of the near abroad: the Baltics" (exhibitions, reviews of the work of writers of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania)

Literary evening "I'm beaten, I'll start from the beginning" about the life and work of director R. Bykov;

- "Altaev Readings" - literary and library marathon "We read the works of M.V. Yamshchikova (Al. Altaeva)"

- "Log through the eyes of friends" - an evening-presentation about the house-museum-estate of the writer M.V. Yamshchikova. The Igomel branch library held a discussion for young readers on the topic “To love means to live”.

In the Pytalovo Library Specialists assign an important role in the promotion of books and reading to individual conversations with readers about the books they have read, about literary novelties. There are thematic exhibitions: "Novelties", "Book novelties for our hinterland", "Book universe", etc. For the members of the "Veteran" club, the library organized a literary evening dedicated to the life and work of S. Yesenin "Golden Grove Dissuaded" and a musical and poetic evening dedicated to A. Pakhmutova. On the occasion of the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, the library presented the exhibition "Wonderful Gift of Enlightenment". People who are unable to come to the library are discussed at home, applications for literature are accepted by phone.

good tradition in Usvyatskaya library were meetings of poetry lovers with the author from St. Petersburg Alexander Dobrov, held annually in the club "Flight of Inspiration". The librarians organized events dedicated to the jubilee writers of 2012. So, for the 200th anniversary of C. Dickens, a literary evening “Inimitable Dickens” was held, for the 210th anniversary of the birth of V. Hugo “Glory for centuries”, for the 110th anniversary of V. Kaverin “A beautifully lived life”, etc.

In the Krasnogorodsk library meetings were held with the writer S. Kuksina, a competition was held for the best essay, a poem about the native land for the 85th anniversary of the region and for the best essay about A.S. Pushkin. The literary tournament "The Most Reading Family" and the intellectual game for young people "The Most Attentive Reader" were held in the Ilyinsky rural library.

On World Poetry Day Bezhanitsy Library introduced readers to the works of contemporary authors, the literary lounge "Who better than a woman to tell about love?" was dedicated to V. Tokareva and D. Rubina. An interesting overview became a review by Ignatieva M.D. "Roman-gazeta - 85" (about the history of the magazine, literature, country). An event of 2012 for the library and readers was the publication of the 4th collection of poems by Bezhanitsy authors.

Literary and musical composition "About you and for you, dear women" in Strugo-Krasnenskaya Library prepared by the group "Ryabinushka" to the verses of local poets A.M. Zapevalova, E.M. Afanasyev, E. Fedotova. Music by A. Zapevalova. There were poems and songs for women and about women.

I. Panchenko, T. Solovieva, V. Mukhin spoke at the presentation of the collection of Pskov writers "On the Stairs of the Ages". There were poems about the Motherland, the Pskov land, about love and life.

Does a lot of work to promote books and reading Kunin Library. Particular attention is paid to the youth audience, in connection with which the Week of the Youth Book "The book is the best friend" was held. In the libraries of the district there were exhibitions of literature “What to read to young people?”, Days of youth periodicals “Journal - the way to the book” were held, conversations “The book is a small life” were held. A presentation of a new book by V.R. Naushkin "Kunya region in the fate of women". An evening-meeting with the poet V.Isaychikov was held by the Zhizhitsa rural library. The author presented his new collection of poems "Travel and unlucky poems", talked with young people, discussed moral values ​​with them. On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of I. Goncharov, the exhibition “The Fundamental Law of the Writer is Truth” was organized; on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of R. Rozhdestvensky, a literary evening “Carry the Dream Through the Years” was held.

Novosokolnicheskaya library held reader's conference “Reading Rasputin - listening to Russia”, dedicated to the work of the Russian classic. Reader's conference “Modern prose. XXI century” opened new names of modern Russian literature for the participants. These are the laureates of literary awards: Z. Prilepin, V. Pelevin, L. Ulitskaya, V. Mikhalsky, Yu. Polyakov. Library specialists developed and conducted a series of literary lessons for high school students: "The Prophetic Sign of Ivan Bunin", "Lieutenant's Prose" (creativity of front-line writers), "To wrest the age from captivity" (poetry and painting of the Silver Age). The presentation of the collection of poems by local author T.V.Denisova “So it is destined by fate”, musical and poetic evenings dedicated to the 80th anniversary of R. Rozhdestvensky and the 70th anniversary of M. Magomayev, took place at the meeting of the club “Literary Arbor”. With the opening of the Department of Orthodox Literature, book exhibitions "The Power of the Spiritual Word", "The Light of Christ Illuminates Everyone", etc., entered the practice of the library.

Libraries of the Palkinsky district together with teachers of literature held the action "Magic World of Reading". In the Chersk Library, the action was dedicated to the work of writers of Pskov authors, a literary tournament was held for high school students. In the Novousitovskaya library, the action was devoted to educational and reference literature. The children themselves presented the books they read, and did it creatively. In the Kachanovsky Library, the action was dedicated to the book of local lore. The children were presented with the book "Pages of the history of the Palkinsky district" by G. Kaydalov, an excursion into the historical past of the district on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of its formation took place. Member of the Union of Writers of Russia B. Ilyin spoke about his work and the work of the authors of the Palkinsky district. The Central District Hospital held a round table “Without good books, the soul becomes stale”, at which there was a serious discussion about the role of books in personal development. World Poetry Day was remembered by readers for a literary quiz on works of Russian poetry. Librarians held a literary game "Guess the Book" in the Krasin Library. The district library held a reader's conference on P. Sanaev's book "Bury me behind the plinth", at which the most controversial opinions were voiced. The Chersk Library operates under the program "Reading is fashionable, reading is prestigious", which promotes books and reading.

In the library of the Porkhovsky district a reader's conference on the work of V. Pelevin "The author's universe created by love" was held. Libraries of the district held events dedicated to writers-anniversaries.

In the library of the Pustoshkinsky district A significant event was the presentation of a new book by V. Potresov “This is how chroniclers are written in us…” Pskov region: essays, portraits, diaries”. Also in the library there were presentations of collections of local poet T. Smirnova "Autumn creeps unnoticed" and "So that you do not get bored ...". An event - "Reader of the Year" was held in the Poddubskaya rural library. Various exhibitions, literary and musical evenings dedicated to writers-anniversaries and poets-anniversaries were held in libraries throughout the year.

In the libraries of the Sebezh region meetings were held between readers and poets native land. As a result of the meeting, a poetic collection of Sebezh poets was created. Libraries of the district in the direction of promoting books and reading to a greater extent used traditional forms of work: literature exhibitions, evenings, days of information, reviews of new products.

Libraries of the region are actively searching for non-standard forms of promoting books and reading, introducing new ideas into the traditional work of libraries. Libraries hold not single, even large events, but long-term programs that can not only initiate, but also constantly maintain reader interest in literature.


2.1 Foreign experience

2.2 Domestic experience

2.3 Experience of libraries in Chuvashia

2.3.2 Promotion of reading in the libraries of the Chuvash Republic



At the turn of the century, reading for children and adults began to be recognized by the authorities and society as a state problem. At a high level, a decision was made to develop a long-term National Program for the Development of Reading in Russia. Libraries are the foundation for the implementation of this program, and schools and libraries that work with children are the basis for supporting the reading of children and families.

AT modern Russia there is a developed network of school libraries and a system of specialized children's libraries, unique in the world practice, which includes more than 70 libraries at the federal and regional levels; more than 4 thousand children's libraries operate in cities, towns and villages.

Over the past 10-15 years, children's reading has been in a clear crisis, and many groups of children who are still reading are in danger of being rejected from book culture. The crisis of children's reading is evidenced by the data of two recent international studies of educational achievements of students, which analyzed the reading literacy of adolescent schoolchildren (PISA-2000, PISA-2003), as well as the results of numerous studies of leisure reading of children and adolescents conducted in different regions of Russia by children's libraries .

The content and quality of children's reading today reflects all our problems of attitude to childhood and the spiritual culture of society. This is a sensitive indicator of social development, the attitude of the state to culture and childhood. It is obvious that the prospects for the development of the country are largely related to the state of reading of children and adolescents, since it is the intellect, education and culture of the younger generation that will be especially in demand in the developing information society - the “knowledge society”.


1.1 Problems of reading modern children and adolescents

Various means have been spoken and written about the “reading catastrophe” of the adult population in Russia in recent years. mass media. According to the data of international studies of teachers, in which our country also took part, the “reading literacy” of schoolchildren in Russia is falling: they began to read much worse than before. A number of printed periodicals claim that "children do not read." Those who work with children - teachers, educators, librarians - know that all children school age read because they have to prepare school assignments. But do they read for themselves, for their own development? This question can be answered by librarians working in children's and school libraries. Children are one of the most large groups library visitors.

But in general, today they read differently than their peers two decades ago. Some of them began to read less, reading needs and preferences have changed. However, there are many children and teenagers who love to read and tend to visit libraries regularly.

The current situation needs to be carefully studied: without a systematic analysis of children's reading, monitoring and evaluation of ongoing processes, and identification of target audiences of readers, it is extremely difficult for librarians and teachers to build a new strategy for interacting with young citizens.

Children's libraries in the country conduct many different studies on various aspects of children's interaction with information. They study children's reading and literature for children, reading in the family, information needs of children, their attitude to libraries, the role of "leaders of children's reading" - teachers, educators, as well as librarians, and much more.

One of the large-scale projects for the study of children's leisure reading is the comprehensive study "Rural Child: Reading, Book Environment, Library", which was carried out by the Russian State Children's Library in cooperation with the central regional children's libraries in 2002–2005. in 17 regions of Russia (in the regions: Amur, Irkutsk, Kaliningrad, Kemerovo, Lipetsk, Moscow, Murmansk, Nizhny Novgorod, Ryazan, Pskov, Perm, Samara, Saratov, Tomsk, Tyumen, as well as in the Stavropol Territory and the Krasnodar Territory). The study interviewed 2448 adolescents aged 11–15 years. The survey was conducted in autumn 2002 and spring 2003 in schools and libraries.

The results obtained allow us to see the problems and the state of children's reading in rural children and adolescents, who today are groups of "reading risk" - large social groups future citizens of the country, especially in need of state assistance against the backdrop of the development of the information society in Russia.

Today, the reading status of children and adults is alarming: according to sociologists from the Yury Levada Analytical Center, today 52% of Russians do not buy books, but do not read - 37%. At the same time, 34% of the Russian population do not have books at home. Residents of villages and cities with a population of less than 100,000 people have virtually no access to books and magazines. The world of childhood has changed and continues to experience personal transformations; the children's community, as well as the adult community, has become extremely differentiated. It became obvious that there were no “children at all”; there are different groups of children that are influenced by a variety of socio-cultural factors. Let's name the main ones.

1. Socio-economic factors: the degree of stratification and social stratification of society; income level and poverty level of the population.

2. Sociocultural factors: the development of the system of universal secondary education (including the teaching of "reader literacy");

accessibility of education; the level of education and culture of the population (including the presence of competent "leaders of children's reading" - teachers, educators, librarians; the presence of a tradition of reading in the family);

the development of the socio-cultural and educational environment (including the “book” environment of bookstores, kiosks, home libraries equipped with updated book collections and computer equipment for public, children's and school libraries). 3. Information and communication factors: the development and availability of various communication systems and communication channels (television, telephony, etc.); accessibility and development of artistic visual culture (video equipment, cinemas); development and accessibility of the Internet.

The reading status of children and adolescents depends on the complex interaction of all these factors, and in different situations and living conditions, any of them has the strongest influence. So, in the capital and large cities, children's reading is especially strongly influenced by the development factor of the socio-cultural environment (other leisure opportunities), as well as the degree of development of the visual - "electronic culture". For small towns and villages, the factors of the development of the book environment and the existence of educated and competent "leaders of children's reading" (primarily teachers and librarians) are especially significant.

There has been a deterioration in the state of the book environment in many regions of Russia (including as a result of a decrease in the acquisition of children's, school, rural public libraries - organizations that traditionally support children's reading). The insufficient provision of many families has led to the fact that books and magazines have become too expensive and unsustainable for the family budget. The destruction of the system of sale and distribution of books resulted in the closure of bookstores in many towns and villages.

The deformation of the book publishing repertoire is also obvious, which has led to a sharp narrowing of the repertoire of topical books for teenagers (including almost no new Russian authors being published, and an extremely small number of translated editions of the best children's and teenage literature). The repertoire and quality of children's literature was also affected by the lack of state support writers, publishers, critics of children's and teenage book culture. What kind of books do teenagers want to read? During the study, respondents named: adventure 43.7%, nature (41.5%), science fiction and fantasy (39.7%), humor and "fun" books (37.7% and 27.4%), horror (35%), travel books (34.7%), love stories (32.1%, read by girls), sports books (31.2%, read by boys), comics (30.6%), as well as books about computers, children's detective stories, books about peers, fairy tales. In addition, teenagers read literature about professions, technology, history, war, space, and more. etc. But only one person out of ten prefers poetry and Russian classics (mostly girls).

Disproportions in the publication of literature for children and youth have led to the fact that modern domestic writers do not get into the literary process, and therefore the repertoire of reading fiction by adolescents and youth is still being updated at the expense of Western literature - such genres as thrillers (horrors), children's detectives and fantasy. Actual fiction for teenagers and youth, where it would be said about contemporary issues, is thus replaced partly by magazines, partly by detectives and romance novels for adults, partly by fantasy.

1.2 Visual form of reading promotion

Visual images have a real impact on new generations, who are most exposed to external influences, acutely feel the impact environment associated with a deeper penetration of video culture into modern life. The development of multimedia tools in many ways changes the approach of librarians to attract readers to the book. Promotion of books and reading using the means of visual culture is increasingly becoming part of the practice of Russian libraries.

Our everyday life is brightened up by theater, music and literature, which form the values ​​and meaning of life, filled with and consisting of the duties of fulfilling the generally accepted norms of everyday life.

But have we learned how to intelligently combine a classic book and the "cream" of progress in the form of creative information technologies? Indeed, the country is already experimenting with the promotion of e-readers. Classics due to expensive costs may not be reissued, will be transferred to electronic media. In fact, reading books in the original can become an expensive rarity.

Modern children lack discipline and reading. The younger generation needs to demonstrate reading by the example of reading adults. It turns out that researchers have proven that if the father in the family is a reader, then the intelligence of a boy from this family is 10% higher than his usual peers. .

In recent years, there have been projects aimed at creating their own video products. So, in 2006, the M.Yu. Lermontov, St. Petersburg, created a film-report “Time to read! Or the librarians are investigating. This film has been widely disseminated in the professional environment, has been shown at many major meetings and conferences, is used as an educational and informational tool, and has caused a wave of similar projects. Films were created as part of the Year of Libraries project in the Kursk region, following the results of the Year of Reading in the Chelyabinsk region - "Chelyabinsk Reading", following the results of the Big Reading campaign in the Saratov region. Work is underway on the video film "Reading Oryol". A number of films dedicated to the promotion of reading have been created by Moscow libraries.

Videos dedicated to libraries appeared, for example, a multimedia video “B.N. Yeltsin”, created in 2007, emphasizes the scale of the project and allows us to speak of the “Presidential Library” as a national information portal. In recent years, more and more often libraries not only order, but also create videos on their own. Quite a lot of videos dedicated to various aspects of library activity have already been created. Their number allows you to classify products by subject, purpose. A significant block is made up of videos dedicated to the promotion of books and reading. The products created by libraries cover both complex projects and actions, as well as individual events, incl. growing number of promotional videos. For example, back in 2006, the Kemerovo ONB created a video dedicated to the Kuzbass action “Give a Book to a Rural Library” in Kuzbass. Video clips are exhibited in library blogs, for example, in the blog “Librarians of Belarus” there is a section “Video clips about love for the library”. Articles and materials have appeared that provide methodological and practical advice on their creation. Demonstration of films and commercials is part of the practice of holding professional library events at various levels.

Multimedia presentations (created using Flash technology or Microsoft power point) is one of the most relevant ways of presenting information today. This is a product that may contain text materials, photographs, drawings, diagrams, sound design, video clips. This combination of semantic load with ease of perception of information is especially effective in promoting books and reading. Many such products have been developed in library practice.

An important activity of libraries is the holding of competitions creative works among the population aimed at creating video products to support reading. For example, in 2006 the Novosibirsk OYUB held a regional competition of social advertising reading "Reading is prestigious!", aimed at attracting young people to promote reading among the youth. Contest participants aged 14 to 30 were asked to create a video clip, an audio clip script, a banner layout, an electronic video presentation addressed to a youth audience and creating an attractive image of reading and a “reader”. In 2007, the Republican competition for the best multimedia presentation Favorite books of my family. As a result, the best video, advertising poster, as well as the reading family were determined. In 2009, the Samara Regional Universal Scientific Library holds a contest of social advertising "Time to read", among the nominations - video scripts.

The array of accumulated experience and the relevance of the work allow us to raise the question of the need to comprehend what has been achieved, the choice of benchmarks and the identification of trends for further development.

1.3 The role of the media in promoting reading

Libraries in their activities one way or another turn to advertising. The objectives of the advertising campaigns are:

Attracting new users to the library;

Attracting readers to more active reading;

Search for new partners and sponsors;

Attracting attention to libraries from organizations that influence the development of organizations.

Library partnerships are often aimed at attracting new users to the library.

By definition given by professionals, an advertising campaign is a set of promotional activities united by a goal (goals) for the implementation marketing strategy advertiser by encouraging a given range of consumers to act with the help of advertising messages. The advertising campaign contains all the elements of the management system promotional activities: planning, organization and control.

When properly organized, advertising is very effective. But in order for advertising to work, you need to develop a strategy. advertising campaign. This is especially important in order to wisely and economically allocate funds allocated by libraries for an advertising campaign. The main source for developing an advertising campaign strategy is the overall program of the organization's activities. Based on this, the goals of the advertising campaign are formed.

The results of such an advertising campaign can lead to the introduction and dissemination of new services provided by libraries, to encourage users to read or increase attendance at events, to create a favorable image of the library in the region and beyond, to ensure the stability of the library's ideas among its readers. , colleagues and partners.

Public (social) advertising conveys a message that promotes a positive phenomenon. Professionals create it for free (it is more correct to talk about the ethical position of refusing to profit), the place and time in the media are also provided on a non-commercial basis.

Libraries, as non-commercial advertising institutions, should use social advertising. Of course, we will not be provided with such a service for manufacturing advertising products, but we may post announcements inviting you to visit the library, or information about new services or ongoing events.

1. Advertising on the radio. This form of advertising remains the most common for libraries for the blind. As practice shows, our users actively listen to this source of information available to them. And radio channel workers are happy to cooperate with libraries, providing these services for free. An analysis carried out by our library staff showed that most of the users, who lost their sight in adulthood, turned to the library after hearing announcements on the radio. And not necessarily these are announcements inviting readers to the library. Any information that contains a message about the library causes a resonance - calls from people who ask how to sign up for the library.

2. Advertising on the Internet. Today it is already a fairly common type of advertising, the number of network users is constantly growing. Libraries post information about the library, services, electronic catalogs on their websites, provide an opportunity to order books on e-mail. On the Internet, there is the possibility of dynamic progress tracking advertising company. The way you evaluate the results of an online advertising campaign depends on its goals. This may be an increase in the number of users, expansion of the service sector, and an increase in site traffic.

3. Release of advertising products. Today, the market offers a huge variety of different products. The choice depends on the goals that the library is striving for, the target audience to which the advertisement is directed. The simplest promotional products are memos and leaflets. They can even be made on their own, in small runs, with a computer and a printer. Conveniently, libraries can produce them in additional large print and Braille. This may be a list of services, a list of new publications released by the library, Additional Information to literary exhibitions organized by libraries. Our experience has shown that the publication of such leaflets in Braille makes the exhibition more accessible and visual for blind readers, and arouses additional interest in certain literature.

Posters are more complex products to make. Libraries use posters to draw the attention of passers-by to the library, major events, disability and disability issues. The main thing for a poster is catchiness, brightness, originality of the composition. So, for example, at one time the library specialists developed posters with ten commandments for pleasant communication with the blind. Later, I received a gift from colleagues at the Hawaiian Special Library - a poster with the same commandments, but made in the form of comics. Of course, such a poster will attract attention, arouse the interest of passers-by, you will want to read it.

As for calendars, they tend to be in the highest demand and have the best advertising effect. A calendar is always needed, and every time you turn to it, you simultaneously read what is written on it. Calendars can be wall, desktop, pocket.

A fairly common type of promotional products - booklets and illustrated brochures. Important when issuing booklets is to focus on target audience. Depending on this, the material is selected and the style of the booklet is determined. For readers, the range of services, contact information, and opening hours are more important. It is important for partners to know the purpose for which we are contacting them and contact information.

As practice shows, people do not like to read detailed information, therefore, if possible, it is necessary to define this goal in one capacious phrase, bringing it to the fore, and then mark it up contact information. In our practice, there was such an experience, for the congress of heads of departments of culture of the districts, library specialists prepared a booklet "Bibliomost to the region", containing brief information about the library services provided to residents of the region and contact information of the library and its branches. Such a reception contributed to the development of a new level of relations with the districts of the region, both at the library and its branches.

No less interesting are such products as bags, T-shirts, baseball caps, key chains, badges, pennants, postcards, souvenirs. This is a rather complicated and expensive type of product. But advertising professionals believe that the implementation souvenir products can generate income. It must be remembered that this is cost-effective only in the case of sufficiently large circulations.

When developing any promotional product, it is important to pay attention to the development of a slogan. Slogan - an advertising slogan or motto containing a concise, easily perceived, effective formulation of an advertising idea. The slogan carries the emotional meaning of the entire advertising campaign; Some experts believe that 90% of advertising effectiveness lies in the slogan. Often people spend a lot of time creating and editing the texts of ads, articles - instead of "investing" in the slogan. This is a big mistake, because if people do not read something entertaining, they will not read everything else.

Advertising products are our personal representative to readers and partners. Its effectiveness depends on the professionalism of its execution. When working on any advertising product, first of all, they evaluate the audience where it will be presented, and only after that they proceed to direct development.

1.4 Social partnership of libraries

One of the democratic institutions that provide a balance of interests of various structures of society today is the institution of social partnership, which has been developing in Russia over the past decade. There is a formalization of the interests and rights of social, corporate and regional groups, the formation of institutions of representation adequate to them, the legal framework, the development of the practice of collective contractual regulation. Library and information institutions, as an integral part of the socio-cultural space, are subject to the objective laws of social development. Communicative relations "library-society" have the prospect of developing precisely in the form of a system of social partnership, and for a number of objective reasons, the library often becomes the driving force behind the development of partnerships. Determining the positions of the library in social partnership at the present time, when the system is being reformed local government, takes precedence. Municipal libraries are faced with the task of transforming activities in accordance with the most pressing problems of the local community. The solution of this problem contributes to overcoming the society's stereotype of seeing libraries only as leisure institutions and the public's awareness of their capabilities as resources for the development of civil society. One aspect strategic planning development of libraries is the formation of social partnership in the internal and external library space.

Among the objective factors of the participation of libraries in the system of social partnership, one can distinguish: firstly, the presence of a civil society and a steady trend in the development of democracy. This condition is decisive for the emergence of the entire system of social partnership as a whole. The institution of social partnership is in Russia in a state of inception precisely because of the insufficient development of civil society. On the other hand, without the consolidation of regional and local communities, their active cooperation, it is impossible to build a civil society; secondly, the presence of subjects mutually interested in partnerships.

The library today is the institution that accumulates the interests of the general public. This is the reason for the possibility of cooperation with a variety of institutions, organizations, movements. Social partnership can solve the problems of the local community in various ways. So, among the partners of the libraries of Stary Oskol, Belgorod region, one can single out: organizations of culture, education, mass media, public organizations, municipal authorities, commercial structures.

The versatility of library activities allows you to simultaneously participate in partnerships not only with one partner, but also create multilateral partnership projects that combine the efforts of several partners to solve common problems.

Thirdly, the presence of organizational and legal mechanisms and procedures governing social interaction. Libraries have accumulated some experience in terms of legal support of social partnership.

Along with the designated objective factors, the prospects for the development of social partnership are determined by a number of subjective (internal) factors. One of them is the library staff's awareness of the need for a partner. Expanding the range of library, consulting, educational and library services, improving library activities, increasing the competitiveness of libraries in the information services market, social demand, the need to develop library resources entails the need to choose the best partner in each case. So, for example, when conducting book and reading or charity events media support is needed. Libraries are able to initiate the role of a social partner of both the municipal government and the local community.

The concept of “social partnership” is fundamentally different from the traditional library collaboration that has taken place. As a rule, the framework for coordinating activities was limited to communication links with other cultural and educational institutions without taking into account economic and legal aspects. This cooperation was regulated, first of all, by the directive leadership of higher bodies. The functioning of social partnership presupposes the emergence of equal horizontal ties. At present, libraries are increasingly acting as equal partners of municipal authorities.

The Importance of the Library as a Contributor social interaction largely depends on the content of its social potential. We emphasize that it is possible to build an effective system of social partnership only by analyzing internal capabilities. In this case, the following evaluation criteria can be distinguished: determination of the stage of development of the team, assessment of the socio-psychological atmosphere, motivation for the participation of the team in social partnership.

Level of professional development, informational resources, the material base of libraries should correspond to the tasks and goals facing it as a participant in social partnership. Strengths internal capacity interacting entities should complement each other and promote mutual development.

All-Russian project “Corporate full-text database “Central libraries of subjects Russian Federation”” (hereinafter referred to as the Project) is implemented within the framework of the main activities of the Russian National Library as an All-Russian scientific and methodological center in the field of librarianship. The project is carried out in partnership with the Central Libraries of the Russian Federation, with the support of the Russian Library Association. The project operator is the Scientific and Methodological Department of Library Science of the National Library of Russia.

All central libraries of subjects of the Russian Federation can become participants of the project. The project is aimed at enhancing the exchange of data in a professional environment, developing a public system for the interaction of libraries based on network cooperation. The Central Banks of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation will receive new opportunities for solving urgent problems, among them: conducting a comparative analysis of the state of librarianship in the region, studying the experience and innovations of other libraries, reducing labor and financial costs for searching for full-text information. This may have a positive impact on the quality of work not only of the Central Bank of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, but also on the state of the country's librarianship as a whole.

The presented Project is a new stage of work on the database "Central Bank of the Subjects of the Russian Federation", which has been conducted since 2002 by the Scientific and Methodological Department of Library Science of the National Library of Russia. A package of documents for the project has been prepared:

cooperation agreement,

Regulations on the Corporate Full-Text Database “Central Libraries of the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as CBD),

List of documents (texts) provided by the Library-participant of the Project,

Business card of the Central Bank of the subject of the Russian Federation,

Regulations on the Supervisory Board.

They contain the organizational and legal mechanism for the implementation of the Project based on the voluntary cooperation of its participants. Participating Libraries have broad rights: to get full access to database resources, to determine the conditions for users to access full-text documents, to participate in the management of CBD resources.

Libraries participating in the Project are invited to replenish the database with the documents they have already created. These are the texts of unpublished documents and small-circulation publications: regional and local regulations, reports, reviews of the activities of the municipal libraries of the region, guidelines, etc. The only document that is compiled specifically for the CBD is the business card of the Central Bank of the subject of the Russian Federation. It looks like a questionnaire filled in the personal account of the Library-participant of the project on the CBD website.

A new interface for the CBD website is being developed to allow more efficient use of database resources. Reviews of receipts in the CBD, information and analytical materials on topical issues of the development of librarianship will be published.

The result of the Project implementation will be a full-fledged professional resource that allows analyzing the state and prospects for the development of librarianship in the country. Such a resource is especially relevant today, in a period of large-scale transformation of the library industry.


2.1 Foreign experience

Reading support work in the United States began much earlier than in other countries, as early as the 1950s, and started by the publishers themselves. In 1972, the National Book Committee was created, and the National Book Week began to be held. And in 1977, the Book Center of the Library of Congress began its activities. J. Cole, who is the creator of a network of Book and Reading Centers in the United States (whose number is constantly growing and has already reached 50), noted that the national network of projects to promote reading in the country is based mainly on a private rather than a public basis. The government helps very little, and its financial assistance is very limited. The American Library Association has special department, which is engaged in attracting politicians to lobby for the interests of libraries at the state level. Both national and regional projects are funded primarily through private and public initiative. Therefore, the search for partners and the promotion of partnerships are of particular importance. The number of such partners is quite large both within the country and abroad.

The Book Center of the Library of Congress organizes annual nationwide campaigns to stimulate interest in reading and the library, seeking the participation of the general public. Specialists have developed models for conducting such campaigns and technologies to stimulate reading. For example, 41 book centers took part in the Letters on Literature campaign, 46,000 students in grades 4-7 wrote letters to famous writers. In these letters, the children shared their impressions of the books they read, talked about the impact these books had on their lives. The competition for the best letter was held in three stages. At first best letters were chosen in each state. Then six winners were invited to the National Book Festival. The project was financed by private firms. There is currently a campaign called "American Stories".

Among the important events taking place with the participation of the Book Center, it should be noted the National Book Festivals, founded on the initiative of L. Bush, a librarian by education. In 2004, 75,000 people visited such a festival in just one day, and 70 authors took part in its work.

Each of the regional centers participates in nationwide campaigns and implements its own projects. For example, the Vermont State Book Center is known for its work with young children. Ohio has a program to promote book art. Among the projects currently being implemented were, for example, a project to promote reading in conjunction with one of the TV programs addressed to schoolchildren aged 7-9; the Into Books project, during which people discuss the books they have read on the Internet; a project to create murals celebrating the importance of reading. The latter is implemented not only in the United States, but also in nine other countries around the world.

Despite the efforts made, problems with reading in the US abound. Less than half of American adults read books, according to recent studies, and reading time is declining across all populations, especially among young people. In recent years, funding for libraries has been reduced, and the question arose of transferring regional Book Centers from libraries to other institutions, universities, and humanitarian centers.

T. I. Ilyina, coordinator of information projects (British Council, Russia), spoke about reading support programs in the UK. Such programs in this country began to be developed in the 1980s on a private initiative.

In 1997, due to the low level of literacy of the population, the British government also turned to this problem. Then, at the state level, a project for the National Year of Reading began to be developed. The project was designed for three years, its budget was 4 million pounds. A wide range of partners were involved in the implementation of the project: ministries of culture and education, libraries, show business stars, etc. During the project, libraries managed to attract and retain a significant number of people among their readers. There were three conclusions from the National Year of Reading:

1) it is necessary to create a new image of the book;

2) the most effective results can only be achieved in partnership;

3) the leading role in the popularization of the book belongs to libraries.

In the UK there are a number of organizations whose work is directly aimed at promoting reading: the National Literacy Trust, the Reading Agency, the Book Trust. The country has adopted a document for the development of libraries for 10 years "Development Strategy for the Future", developed a national reading strategy, developed a long-term plan and specific tasks for its implementation. In particular, four age groups have been identified, with each of which libraries should conduct purposeful work: 1) children under 5 years old, 2) children over 5 years old, 3) youth, 4) adults.

Since the introduction to reading begins with the very early age, there is a program in the country, according to which each newborn is given children's literature and guidelines reading for parents.

Thus, in the UK, the issue of promoting reading has become a national task. And the leading role in this direction belongs to libraries.

The situation is similar in Sweden. Consultant on reading and issues of children's and adolescent literature at the State Cultural Council in Stockholm T. Stenstrom and children's librarian of the Laholm library, member of the Northern European Network of Children's Librarians A.-K. Magnusson note that the state itself is interested in the development of reading. The growing role of reading in the life of each individual is directly linked here with the development of democracy.

Sweden is known primarily as the country of A. Lindgren. Here there is a state award named after her, established in 2002, which today amounts to 5 million Swedish kronor. In 2004, the Japanese Ryoji Arai and the British Philip Pullman became the laureates of the award. In Russia, five organizations have the right to nominate candidates for the A. Lindgren Prize, including the Union of Writers of St. Petersburg and VGBIL. In 2005, three candidates were nominated from Russia: writers E. Uspensky, S. Mikhalkov and illustrator G. Kalinovsky.

The Swedish society allocates significant resources to support reading. There is a state federal subsidy for the purchase of books for school and municipal libraries (according to the law, they must be in every municipality) and a special subsidy for stimulating reading for libraries and other organizations. For 30 years there has been a subsidy for publishing houses to produce books. Books are selected by a special expert advice. Libraries must receive one copy of such publications. Also in Sweden, priority groups have been identified, which are given special attention: children of migrants, who are helped to keep their native language and master Swedish to a sufficient extent; children with functional disorders; preschoolers.

For the last 6-7 years, a project of the Council for Culture has been developing, aimed at publishing catalogs of children's books. For example, for 2004 a catalog was released, which presented all the books published during that year. The catalog is designed for a young reader, so about a third of it consists of illustrations of book covers. The annotations presented in it were compiled specifically for children. Schools and libraries receive such catalogs free of charge.

About five years ago, a project was launched to create an Internet library for children aged 6-14. In 2003, he received state support. This library provides children with ample opportunities. Here you can get information about books, ask a librarian a question, chat with a writer, submit your own texts, take part in numerous competitions, etc. Several thousand visits are recorded on this website every week.

In Sweden, it is believed that introducing a child to reading is an ongoing process, and the most effective results can only be achieved through the joint efforts of parents, schools and libraries. The activities of libraries are aimed at arousing people's interest in reading, the desire to read and enjoy reading. Librarians conduct conversations with parents in children's polyclinics on the importance of reading and speech culture for a child's life, provide teaching materials designed for different age groups. For example, all libraries have "ABC Drops" guidelines for young children and young parents. This name is similar to the name of vitamins that children need for their physical development just like books - for spiritual development.

Swedish librarians actively use international experience. For example, the idea of ​​a book jury was borrowed from Holland. From the books published in the current year, the children chose the best and justified their choice. Colleagues from Iceland borrowed this technique from the Swedes.

In Germany, reading support is carried out both by the state and by public organizations and individuals. There are a number of organizations and foundations that are directly involved in the promotion of reading. The largest of these is the Reading Foundation in Mainz. K. Schäfer, public relations manager of this Foundation, noted that German society is increasingly aware of the importance of reading and the need to awaken people's desire to read.

The Reading Foundation in Mainz was founded in 1988 on the basis of the German Literary Society. Its funding is approximately 90% sponsored. It is under the patronage of the President of Germany. A variety of organizations help the Reading Foundation to carry out projects: schools, publishing houses, editorial offices of magazines, libraries, public organizations, trade unions, etc. The Foundation's programs operate throughout Germany.

The main activity of the Foundation is the support of children's reading. It is noted that recently parents have stopped reading aloud to their children, although it is easier to form an interest in reading at an early age. Therefore, it was decided to create a program of reading aloud for children. This is how National Initiative in cooperation with the weekly newspaper "Die Zeit" "We read aloud - everywhere and at any time." The Foundation involved 6,000 volunteers in this work, organizing reading aloud in kindergartens, schools and other institutions. So, in the pool, children were read "water stories" - fiction and popular science books that dealt with water.

In addition, writers conduct public readings in libraries. Children come to such events in whole classes. Other actions are carried out, in particular, reading is promoted on TV, a campaign is being held in schools to attract people to the book through film adaptations. A lot of work is being done with teachers and educators. On February 26, 2004, the Academy for the Promotion of Reading at the library of G. W. Leibniz began its work. The Academy conducts seminars for educators, teachers, librarians and introduces them to new methods of promoting reading, to the current programs of the Foundation.

In 2004, the Reading Foundation, together with the ZDF TV channel and the German Exchange Association, held the campaign “Our best. Big Reading, similar to the Air Force program. From July to October, the inhabitants of Germany chose their favorite and best books. Voting was held in bookstores, libraries, via the Internet. The 50 books with the most votes were presented on October 1st on television in a big book show featuring many celebrities, including German Chancellor G. Schroeder.

The Reading Foundation cooperates with the German Library Association. A number of projects are carried out jointly with libraries in Germany. In particular, to world day books was a timed project during which libraries could purchase necessary books on low prices(below cost) or even get them for free. At the same time, a project of library public readings was also carried out.

An example of a private initiative is the activity of the company "EKZ" in Reutlingen. This is a private company with a capital turnover of 30 million euros, which employs 200 people. An employee of the department of public libraries F. Seger emphasized that the company provides centralized services to public libraries in the territory throughout Germany.In addition to providing state-of-the-art library technology, the company also reviews the book flow and publishes annotated indexes.The company employs 52 independent reviewers who compile annotations and assign classification indexes to newly published books.Thus, they analyze the book market Libraries use these lists to build their collections New book bulletins are published regularly for different age groups and target groups 24,000 books are reviewed annually EKZ works in close collaboration with German bible swollen union.

The problem of promoting reading is relevant all over the world today. Different countries have their own approaches to solving it. Nevertheless, they all pursue the same goals: to make reading attractive to a modern person, to show its importance for the development of both an individual and society as a whole. In all countries there is a tendency to unite the efforts of the state and various public organizations, since the most effective work is possible only in close cooperation.

2.2 Domestic experience

Numerous and highly authoritative sociological studies conducted in Russia over the past 15–20 years testify to a clear narrowing of the sphere of reading, the loss of systematic reading skills by large sections of the population, the impoverishment of what children and adolescents read, and so on. This, however, is quite consistent with the global trend. Just like in many developed countries of the world, Russian specialists are trying to resist negative phenomena. However, unfortunately, in contrast to countries where there is a tradition of state support for reading, the modern state policy of Russia in this area is only being formed. As a rule, the state still supports (primarily financially) “status” events (festivals, fairs, book salons, etc.), which are, in fact, addressed primarily to publishers, booksellers, librarians, and other specialists in the field of reading ; while the problems of the interests and needs of the readers themselves remain in the shadows. Meanwhile, the focus on the reader is the essence of the success of the British concept of the development and support of reading, recognized as one of the most effective in world practice.

It should be said that in Soviet Russia (USSR) there was a significant historical experience of the participation of the state in the dissemination of reading. The most massive campaign took place almost immediately after the revolution of 1917, and then in the 30s. in the fight against illiteracy. "Weeks" and "months" of book and library propaganda went under the slogan "Books from the masses." All these campaigns, led, of course, by the state, were at that time both in content and in form of a pronounced ideological character and considered the library and the book mainly as a “tool of political struggle”, and reading itself as a way to include the population in it.

In the 1960s, for many reasons, the problem of attracting people to reading was again in the center of attention of the state. But even in this, of course, already much less ideological period, books and reading were considered, first of all, as a means of participating in the “building of the future”, etc. In the activities of libraries, emphasis was placed on conducting mass events. In many ways, these events were of a formal nature, although, of course, there were also very interesting meetings with writers, there were readers' conferences, meetings of literary clubs, etc. However, all these activities were directed, as a rule, to those who were already readers of the library.

New times have brought new challenges and new opportunities. The liberation from ideological tasks allowed libraries to look at the problem of attracting people to reading not from a pragmatic point of view, as it was before, but from a humanistic position: to show the value of reading for the development of not only society, but, above all, for the formation of an individual.

During the years of “perestroika”, Russian libraries (especially public ones) experienced a crisis associated with the departure (“exodus”) of the reader from the libraries. Librarians had to rethink a lot, make organizational changes in the work of libraries, realize their social mission, become more active, and also get acquainted with the experience of libraries in other countries; there was no other way to return the reader to the library, which had also changed noticeably. For the first time in many years, Russian libraries have come across such a phenomenon as “non-reading”, the roots of which lie deep in the social “soil”: in the marginality of adults, in the abandonment of children, and so on.

Solving their professional task - attracting the reader to the library - Russian librarians realized that attracting a person who is in a difficult life situation to reading, to the life of the library, can significantly improve his position in society, as well as mitigate many aggravated local problems (for example, problems social adaptation of migrants, orphans, disabled people, etc.). It was also understood that for the development of a personality, especially a young one, reading has an advantage over audiovisual culture. Under these conditions, the Russian library, whose main task, as a rule, was to promote (and until recently, propaganda) the books themselves (their authors, certain topics, compiling bibliographic lists, databases, etc.), followed libraries in other countries are beginning to put forward their other task as the most important one - the development of the reading process itself, the involvement in this process of people who are members of various reading groups, the formation of their attitude to reading as a pleasure; here, the attractive appearance of the library as a place where one can always find understanding and help begins to play a significant role.

Although the experience of library activities in this direction in Russia is not as significant as in other countries, the material obtained during the competition "We and the book", which was held by the non-profit public organization"Pushkin Library" among Russian libraries last year, allows us to draw some general conclusions.

First of all, it is obvious that Russian libraries (librarians) today realize that attracting a person to reading is a very difficult task, which cannot be solved in the course of a “campaign”, “volitionally”: “it is impossible to force reading, it is possible to infect reading”. In addition, it became clear that the intimacy of the process of reading itself implies a personal, individual approach to the one we want to make to read. Therefore, Russian librarians now consider their main tasks to be: the formation of a friendly image of the library, where everyone can find help; educating the need for reading various categories readers; development of a culture of reading, i.e. skills that allow the reader to independently determine his circle of reading.

The study and analysis of the materials of already implemented projects, which were sent by more than a hundred Russian libraries to the above-mentioned competition, shows that their activities are extremely diverse and carry a strong creative charge. First of all, attention is drawn to the diversity and brightness, non-standard forms of library activities.

Many of them, wishing to convey the idea of ​​the value of reading to non-readers, take their events beyond the walls of libraries - onto the streets, in cafes, in the midst of people. An interesting, well-thought-out and well-executed library project in Astrakhan can serve as an example.

The aim of the project was to draw attention to poetry. The library held a corresponding open city-wide action on the streets, in Internet cafes, in universities, etc. The action took place in three stages. The first stage is visual. Conditional motto “Make a verse! Look at the verse! The authors of the action, through the works of Mayakovsky, Khlebnikov, Kruchenykh, Voznesensky, Moritz and others, tried to reveal and show the common nature of the poem and the image; in this they were helped by painting, appliqué, computer layout, photography, household items. The second stage had the motto "Verse by ear". Now cinema, theater, music helped to understand the verse. Poems sounded both in archival records and in the author's performance. The third stage of the action was called "The Element of Verse - Poems by Mail". One day, a person had to take a book, read poetry and then send someone a poem they liked by mail or e-mail. The scene of action is a city park, a cafe, an Internet cafe, where tables were placed, on them were books and postal supplies, mailboxes, etc. This action captivated the whole city, literally every person, especially the young, was covered by it.

The purpose of another project - "Book-Dolby Digital Surround" (Barnaul) - was to create a positive image of the library among young people, adapt the traditionally existing form of the library to the current socio-cultural situation in the youth subculture. The project involved the formation of links with commercial structures that are ready to cooperate with the library; monitoring the interests of young people; improvement of forms of work with it. The library's partners in the implementation of the project were: a night club, an entertainment center, periodicals, radio, etc. Advertising about the activities of the library, in particular, about its competition for best knowledge The classic “A Movie for Every Book” was posted on the streets, in public restrooms, in a nightclub, at parties, on websites of entertainment institutions, on the walls of universities, etc. This action achieved its goal: young people began to treat the library as "their own" organization.

The goal of the project "Reading for everyone" (Novosibirsk) was to go beyond the existing library audience. The project was aimed at non-reading youth and the part of the population that does not read much; Among the directions envisaged by the project was overcoming the cultural isolation of problematic social groups (difficult teenagers, adults and children with disabilities), as well as the revival of the tradition of family reading. During the implementation of the project, the need to expand the sphere of influence of the library by going beyond it was revealed: to bookstores; book fairs, city holidays; this included book festivals; promotion of the book in parks, summer camps, city yards. The project assumed the solution of the following tasks: to involve in the promotion of the book those who have withdrawn from this work, including city authorities; formation in the public environment of "fashion" for reading; attraction to reading literature of different genres and styles; development of interest in local history, the use of the cultural heritage of the region, as it is presented in the book world, etc.

Within the framework of the project, the literary games “Simbirsk literary tract”, “Simbirsk through the eyes of Lieutenant Lermontov”, “E-mail to your favorite author”, “Read it, you won’t regret it”, “Let’s open a book together”, etc. were held.

The project of the Yekaterinburg regional library “We, coffee and a book” was a great success. The authors of this, as they themselves defined, “book and gastronomic” project aimed to create a new image of the library in society - an image of an open, friendly system. In this project, the dream of any reader about a library that never closes has come true. The authors of the project managed to create a feeling of genuine closeness to the book. A literary cafe was opened in the library, which began to work after the closure of the library itself. In the cafe, which is called “Almost Eight” (in a special font, separate parts of these words, which formed the word “Pulp Fiction”), are held literary meetings, discussions of books, exchange of reader impressions, communication of all those who “peeped into the light”. A "virtual coffee house" has been opened on the library's website, where every reader and visitor of the cafe can express their opinion about books, about the library, just about life. The library cafe "Almost eight" is very popular in the city, especially among the youth.

The idea of ​​the need to read lies at the heart of the project “I have read it... And I advise you” (Nizhny Novgorod), during which famous people of the city talk about what they read. The project was opened by the mayor of the city. The participants of the project had to form (and developed) an opinion that “a person who reads is a successful person” (that was the name of the heading in the local newspaper).

The task of attracting non-readers to reading was before the authors of the project of the city library of Zarechny (Penza region). To this end, librarians took to the streets of the city and conducted a survey (survey, questionnaire) with video filming. 3000 video questionnaires were collected. The results of the survey were presented to the population of the city in the films "Reading Zarechny", "Portrait of Our Reader". A "Read the Best" recommendation index was created and posted on the library's website.

A number of projects submitted for the competition were devoted to the problem of family reading and getting children to read. The projects "Az, Buki, Vedi.. We read with the whole family" (Nizhny Tagil), "Reading from birth" (Tyumen region), "Reading family" (Omsk) actively promoted the idea that "a reading family is a prosperous family." In the course of the projects, competitions were held (for example, “Our Family Form”), books were donated to large families, a “School for Parents” was organized, advisory manuals and exhibitions were created (“When we are at home with the whole family”, “Children advise parents”, “ Library + family = ?”, “How to captivate a child with reading?”), postcards with the text of lullabies were printed, which were given to young parents, as well as bookmarks “Read to children 20 minutes daily!”, Where there were lists of books for babies.

The idea of ​​attracting non-reading children to reading lies at the heart of the project “Reading while listening” (Vorkuta), which involves the equipment of an audio subscription: “reading with ears” is becoming fashionable in Russia.

The project "Tales of Our Yard" (Vologda) includes such events as the city holiday of children's books, the city competition of children's literary creativity, the summer reading program, professional competition librarians - "storytellers". The goal of the project was to affirm the value of reading both in a small community of children and adults (yard) and in the large cultural space of their native city.

A number of projects were devoted to the problem of promoting reading among different reader groups. Thus, the project "World without Borders" is aimed at people with disabilities. This project is unique: its authors have created an automated workplace(AWP) for a blind reader with access to the Internet, provided him with tiflo equipment and necessary programs thus creating a barrier-free environment in the library.

The project “With a book on life” (Belgorod) was addressed to the elderly and people who found themselves in difficult social conditions: veterans of the Great Patriotic War, disabled people, “Afghans”, “Chechens”, as well as those who are serving sentences in correctional colonies and prisons . As part of this project, a "Reading Center" was created in the Regional Library. It provides information assistance to readers on legal, economic problems, and other issues related to their lives. Actions are being taken to form the funds of prison libraries; a stationary point for issuing books was organized in the hospital for war veterans. The Reading Center is doing a lot of work to eliminate secondary illiteracy (difficult teenagers). Their interests, including those of readers, are constantly studied. A data bank on legal, medical, psychological problems, etc. is being created. Special programs are being implemented on issues that are especially relevant in their environment.

The project “Reading Man” (Nizhny Tagil) is very interesting, within the framework of which the “Reading Administrator” programs are being implemented; "Reading Entrepreneur"; "Books that real men choose"; "Reading doctor"; "Reading Police", etc. These programs carry the idea that readers differ from non-readers more high level development of intellect, have a larger amount of memory, have a better command of speech; that people who read more easily enter into social contact, find the right solution to a particular issue faster, and so on.

A number of projects were devoted to the problem of studying foreign languages as a means of introducing reading. Thus, the projects “FAN (French, English, German) Center in the Library” and “SI-DI and Learn Foreign Languages” (Belgorod), “Learning English” (Krasnodar), “Creating a Resource Center for Learning Foreign Languages ” (Veliky Novgorod) are aimed at enhancing the study of foreign languages, reading foreign literature as a means of meaningful and useful leisure for the younger generation. These projects include fairs and festivals of foreign books, meetings with writers, translators, teachers of foreign languages, etc. Library websites are being created on the Internet on English language, CDs are issued containing information about foreign books; recommended lists of books are compiled for various reading categories.

Part of the projects submitted for the competition was devoted to the development of a culture of reading, increasing reader activity. Within the framework of the projects "Creative reading of the classics" (Novosibirsk), "Leader of reading" (Primorsky Territory, village of Kavalerovo), photo contests were held ("Portrait of a Reader"), literature reviews ("What should be read before the age of 20"), The Reading Man club was organized.

Of great interest is a series of teaching aids on the methodology of reading fiction, created by Novosibirsk librarians: "Slow reading", "Analytical reading", "Volumetric reading", "Marked reading" (with a pencil in hand), as well as methodological developments - "Types of records owned by a qualified reader", "Dictionaries - friends and helpers", etc.

The project of the University Library of Omsk is dedicated to the development of a culture of student reading. Its goal is to spread reading among students; education of reader's tastes; revealing the creative possibilities of students. Within the framework of the project, a study "Students - Readers of Fiction" was conducted, which allowed the library to make adjustments to its activities. The newspaper "Chitalka" is published, on the pages of which materials are published that contribute to improving the culture of reading students, including the page "Literary Omsk". There is a "poetry workshop", competitions are held (prizes - vouchers to a sports camp, subscriptions to the pool, etc.), a regional interuniversity poetry festival, an intellect show, a competition for the best reading group, a book workshop on "infectious" reading, the CHIPS program - read, play, sing, laugh. The library constantly publishes colorful booklets that highlight its work. The interests and requests of students are constantly monitored.

All projects, to one degree or another, use modern technologies and methods to promote the reading and presentation of the book. This includes video filming, the creation of library websites, the placement of various information on them, the use of CDs, and much more.

Another feature of the modern activities of libraries is that it involves a broad partnership with organizations and institutions for which the importance of the stated problem is clear. An analysis of organizations participating in library projects showed that these are primarily the city administration, the media (electronic and print), general education schools, universities, secondary educational institutions, museums, libraries of other departments (school, university), creative unions(writers, composers, artists), charitable foundations, informal youth organizations, business circles, law enforcement, hospitals, prisons, support schools and more. The study showed that the more “deeply” a project is “introduced” into the local environment, the more people are interested in its implementation, the more successful it is.

Summing up, we can say that most of the projects carried out by Russian libraries are mainly devoted to the promotion of reading among young people, the popularization of reading among children, the promotion of poetry, and the involvement of people with disabilities in reading. Less common are projects involving work among prisoners, as well as projects that develop literacy and reading skills in adults. Compared to the work of foreign libraries, such acute problems as the popularization of reading among conscripts, the promotion of reading among the male population, the fight against dyslexia, the promotion of reading among ethnic minorities, and assistance in the development of basic literacy skills for children still largely remain beyond the attention of Russian specialists. - Orphans and children in needy families, work with inpatients of medical institutions, etc. These problems Russian librarians have yet to comprehend and solve.

2.3 Experience of libraries in Chuvashia

2.3.1 Activities of the Regional Reading Center

According to the status, one of the main functions of the National Library of the Chuvash Republic (hereinafter referred to as the National Library of the Chechen Republic) is its participation in the process of preserving and developing the culture of the Chuvash and other peoples living compactly on the territory of the republic, as well as the introduction of innovative methods for promoting books and reading, the formation of sustained interest to reading. Of particular importance is the activity of reading centers to unite the efforts of all organizations and institutions (cultural, scientific and educational institutions, national cultural associations, mass media) interested in promoting books and reading.

Having some experience in promoting the book of the National Library of the Chechen Republic, she was actively involved in the implementation of the nationwide program "Reading", assumed the function of a regional Reading Center, developed projects and won grants to promote reading: "Literary Web", "Literary Caravan: between the Volga and the Urals" and etc.

The activities of the Center are aimed at promoting the book to the general public and developing a reading culture, bringing together members of the local community to conduct book and reader actions and campaigns. It is based not on single, even major events, but on long-term programs that can not only initiate, but also constantly maintain reader interest in a particular topic or literature.

The Reading Center of the New Czech Republic has been operating in a reconstructed building since June 21, 2008 as an independent structural unit.

The purpose of the Center is to activate the interests of the local community in the book, reading, library, to be a navigator in the endless ocean of book production. The activities of the Reading Center are quite diverse. Its main directions:

- informational - informing the population about the book-reading and literary life of the country and the region, publishing houses, authors, literary awards, receipts of books in library funds;

– layers of the local community using all channels and forms;

- project - implementation of specific book and reading programs and projects;

– coordinating – establishing links and partnerships with various administrative, cultural, educational and commercial structures;

- research - the study of the reader's situation in the region.

To study the reader's situation in 2009, the staff of the Center conducted a monitoring "What do we read and what do we read?", which made it possible to analyze the reading needs of the local community. The tasks of monitoring were to identify the main goals of reading and to determine existing preferences.

The survey involved 100 respondents, of which 42% were men and 58% were women. The social activity of women, as expected, was higher.

Age of respondents - from 16 to 50 years and older, including up to 20 - 14%, from 20 to 30 years - 34%, from 31 to 40 years - 18%, from 41 to 50 years - 13%, over 50 years - 21%. Most of the respondents - 48% - have higher education. 26% of respondents have secondary specialized education, 26% of survey participants have secondary and incomplete secondary education.

Thus, the educational status of the respondents is quite high.

The main part of the respondents (79%) go to the library for reading literature, 43% of the respondents usually buy books, 23% take the literature they need from friends. 31% of respondents use their home library. The fact that the majority of readers take books from libraries speaks of the high prestige of library institutions, despite the difficulties with acquisition.

Among the readers who take books from the library, 42% use the National Library of the Czech Republic, 26% go to the libraries of educational institutions or at work, 9% to district or city libraries, and 2% of the respondents in rural areas.

To determine the reader's interests and needs, the questionnaire included the question "For what purpose do you most often turn to a book?" An analysis of the answers showed that for the purpose of entertainment and recreation, it is in 1st place (53%), in the second (36%) and third (36%) places - within the framework of the educational process and in order to learn new facts, due to the production need 22% of respondents apply.

Out of 100 respondents, 81% prefer reading fiction, 34% read newspapers and magazines, 24% prefer specialized literature, 19% prefer popular science publications, and 16% read educational literature. The preferences of others were varied.

At the time of the survey, book lovers preferred the works of P. Coelho - 10%, M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" - 5%, B. Akunin - 4%, D. Rubina - 2%, E. Rice - 2%, L. Ulitskaya - 2%, A. Chekhov - 2%, B. Werber - 2%. The preferences of other readers were single. 34% - refrained from answering. 48% of respondents note that having read the book once, they undertook to reread it again.

Cheboksary residents prefer to take fiction (adventure, detective stories, science fiction, novels) on the road - 30%, 26% read newspapers and magazines. 41% of respondents do not read on the road, while the preferences of others are rare. Since the monitoring was carried out in the city of Cheboksary, questions of a local history nature were included. We were interested in whether the books of Chuvash writers and poets are in demand among the readers of the city.

It turned out that only 32% of all respondents read books by Chuvash authors, and 7% refer to them periodically. The most widely read works were the works of K. Ivanov "Narspi" - 10%, L. Agakov "Salampy" - 7%, N. Mranka "Ĕmĕr sakki sarlaka" - 6%, also the respondents called the works of A. Artemyev, P. Khuzangaya, Ya. Ukhsay, G. Krasnova, N. Simunova, U. Elmen, Y. Silem and many others. We were interested to find out what the respondents think about traditional media - whether they will continue in the future, and also what is the proportion of users among the respondents who read books on the Internet.

E-books are read only by 25% of respondents, most of whom are young people from 16 to 30 years old (48%), traditional books are preferred by 75%. When asked whether books will remain in their traditional form in the future, 72% of respondents answered in the affirmative, they will be replaced by the Internet - 6%, it was difficult to answer - 18% of respondents, 4% answered that they will be replaced by other sources of information. It is gratifying that the majority still believes in the future of the printed book.

Thus, it can be noted that reading habits and habits have changed, but interest in books has not decreased, although many note the lack of time to read books. Reading, fiction and educational literature predominates among young people. Respondents on the streets named the works of classics and contemporaries as domestic literature (Chekhov A., Gogol N., Griboedov A., Tolstoy L., Bulgakov M., Solzhenitsyn A., Sholokhov M., Akunin B., etc.), so and foreign (Mitchell M., Hugo V., Bradbury R., Coelho P., Remarque E., Tolkien J., Shakespeare W., Wilde O., etc.).

The changes taking place both in the country as a whole and in the field of information services encourage librarians to look for new forms and methods of working with readers and users of libraries. Time makes new demands on the librarian as a professional and as a subject of innovation processes. Therefore, all work in libraries should be aimed at fundamentally changing the attitude of society, especially young people, to literature, maintaining the social status of the book, and involving the general public in reading and using libraries.

The introduction of the population to reading, to the use of library books has always remained the main task of the libraries of the republic. An analysis of the activities of libraries in 2008 showed that they carried out various activities to promote books and reading.

Libraries of the Mariinsko-Posadsky district use the capabilities of modernized libraries to promote reading. For example, in the Sutchevskaya rural library for students of the 11th grade of a rural general education school, a presentation of the exhibition-view of literature “The Silver Age in Russian Literature” was presented, where, along with publications on traditional media, electronic books were presented.

Sotnikovskaya rural model library Bolsheshigaevsky rural settlement, within the framework of the International Book Day, prepared and held a Children's Book Week, the program of which included the Yakovlevsky and Ivanovo readings, traditional in the region, which not only contributes to the popularization of books and reading, but also serves as a good gift for the days of memory of I.Ya. Yakovlev and K. Ivanov. Fairy tales by I.Ya. Yakovlev and the pearl of Chuvash poetry - the poem "Narspi" by K. Ivanov. The library has prepared portrait exhibitions dedicated to these outstanding people who are proud of the Chuvash people, an overview of their life and work, a theatrical performance based on the poem "Narspi". The media cinema hall was working all week in the library, where an electronic presentation dedicated to Narspi was shown.

Reading lessons "Words fly away, what is written remains ..." for children of the eldest and preparatory groups kindergarten was prepared by the Pervochurashevskaya rural library of the Mariinsko-Posadsky district. They are dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the founding of the publishing house "Children's Literature" (1933) and the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. The publishing house has published many books with Russian folk tales, epics, Russian folklore, so the library staff, with the help of these publications, are trying to instill in the kids a love of books and reading. The children watched cartoons based on Russian folk tales.

Reading is promoted in libraries as part of the implementation of specialized programs. For example, the City Family Reading Library on International Children's Day presented the "Summer Reading Program" - "Together with a book - in the summer" and announced the photo contest "Summer. Dad. Mum. I am a reading family. The summer reading program included open days, information and educational hours and much more.

Activities to promote and promote reading are held in all libraries of the municipality "City CLS" Kanash. They introduce children and young people to the work of classic writers, contributing to the popularization of literature among the youth, and also acquaint the younger generation with the work of contemporary writers. Interest clubs are doing a lot of work in this direction. The literary club "Rodnik" operates at the Central Library, which has become a meeting place for writers, poets and the city's creative intelligentsia. Since 2002, the central library and children's art school are working to promote books and reading among children and youth in the aesthetic association "In the realm of colors and books." As part of the work of this association, the attention of the children was offered: the literary composition "Everything starts with love ...", the etiquette class "We learn the rules of good manners", the intellectual competition for the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture "ABC: the verb is good", the ecological evening " I breathe, which means I live ... ", etc.

The Central Children's Library of the city continued the work of the center for developing reading "Magic Book" under the program "Writers - Anniversaries 2008". The purpose of the program is to develop in children the need for systematic reading, as well as the need for new knowledge; familiarization with the classics of children's literature. The events were held for children who found themselves in a difficult life situation. Monthly for students of a boarding school, a social shelter, rehabilitation center and schools of the city held literary marathons, poetry evenings, meetings with writers, where children in a free and relaxed atmosphere could talk with librarians about the book they had read.

Since 1992, the theater of the book "Firefly" has been operating in the family reading library - branch No. 3, which contributes to the development of imagination and creativity children, expanding the reader's horizons, popularizing the best works of children's literature.

Every year the Urmar Central Library holds the Day of the First Readers. In 2009 the event was called “Reading books is a pleasure”. Each meeting with a new visitor is interesting, because various drawings and contests are used.

It has also become a tradition to hold campaigns “Give a book to the library”. Following its results, a meeting with donors was held under the title "Giving - we glorify our name." Everyone who put a piece of their heart into this noble cause were awarded Thanksgiving letters. A personal book exhibition of the reader "From the collection of V. Slavin", who donated more than a hundred books to the library, was arranged.

In order to attract young people to reading for high school students of the village, the Young Reader's Holiday "Literary Rainbow" was held in the central library. During the action "Library + Family", the Batyrevskaya District Children's Library held sociological research among children and their parents "Reading in the family circle: current state and prospects". The purpose of the study is to determine:

§ what role does reading books play in childhood;

§ what is the impact of reading on life;

§ involvement of parents in the problems of children's reading;

§ What is the reading circle of children and their parents, grandparents.

A total of 40 parents and 50 children were interviewed. According to the age category, the survey involved parents from 27 to 50 years old. In terms of educational level, 26 respondents have higher education, which is 65%; 11 - secondary vocational (27.5%); 3 - secondary education (7.5%). Moreover, not all respondents are readers of the children's library, so librarians paid special attention to this group and set a goal:

§ to acquaint them with the book collections of the children's library;

§ Intensify work with parents.

For this reason, booklets were distributed during the campaign, introducing parents to the library, with the latest in modern literature, invitations to visit our model children's library, and discussions were held about the need for family reading in order to educate children and adolescents.

Among the children, 17 boys and 33 girls aged 8 to 17 were interviewed. The circle of reading of parents and children for the most part coincides: they mainly note the classics of children's and Russian literature. Almost all respondents gave the same answers that the book is a friend of their family. Reading families are not only able to continuously learn and constantly acquire new knowledge, they are the ones who can master the most valuable of world culture.

Summing up the results of the survey "Reading in the family circle: current state and prospects" we can say:

§ that an important task of the library is to support family reading, since it is in the family that the moral foundations are laid, spiritual values ​​are instilled;

§ to promote children's reading for the summer, the library will host the following events: exhibitions-views "Vacation with a book", "Relax, but do not forget to read." Children's reading programs "What to read in summer" for different ages have been developed. A competition is announced for the best "summer reader's form";

§ To familiarize parents, grandparents with the work of the children's library, the holidays “To the Library with the Whole Family”, “Open Doors Day”, “Favorite Books of My Family” will be organized.

Today, in order for children and adolescents to read, it is necessary to make much more effort than before, and these complex tasks will have to be solved by librarians in close contact with parents.

In the activities of children's libraries, one can note the activation of organizing summer reading for children. Libraries began to formalize this work as a program-targeted one, which significantly improves its quality level. The program "Magic of the Book Summer" of the Alikovskaya Children's Library is aimed at attracting children to the library during the summer holidays, their intellectual development, joint creativity of parents and children, close communication between the little reader and the librarian, dissemination of local history knowledge, fostering a sense of love for the Motherland.

In order to “bring” the book closer to the reader as much as possible, some libraries have developed and implemented projects to organize children’s reading “in the open air” (“Open Air Reading Room” of the Cheboksary Central Children's Library), drawing competitions on asphalt, theatrical performances in school camps. In the Chuvash Republican Children's and Youth Library (ChRDYUB) every year during the summer holidays, the action "Reading in the Park" is held. Many young readers were attracted by the so-called "park library", where volunteers also act as librarians (high school students are regular readers of the library). The summer reading program “Books Have No Holidays” is designed to help schoolchildren not to lose the knowledge gained over the summer, but to increase it. As a rule, throughout the summer, the library has a book exhibition-advertising "The Most Popular Books of Summer", thematic literary readings and quizzes, contests "The Best Reader of Summer", and the library turns into a Read Island.

On November 23, 2009, the literary and theatrical marathon "READING MOVEMENT" was launched in CHRDYUB, which was held as part of the network marathon of cultural events of the Chuvash Republic. The holding of such a large-scale action became possible thanks to the Grant of the President of the Chuvash Republic to support innovative projects in the field of culture and art.

In the foyer of the library, guests and participants of the holiday were met by literary heroes. The festive action took place in the reading room, which for a time became a "fabulous station", from where the main characters- heroes and writers, went on an unusual journey through the cities and villages of the republic.

Well-known writers of Chuvashia R. V. Sarbi, E. V. Basova, D. Yu. Suslin, G. A. Belgalis came to the meeting with young readers. For the first time, readers heard poems by the poetess Irina Niva, songs performed by singer K. Osokina based on poems by G. Serebryakova.

On November 24, the writers' landing "Reader's joy - to the children of the village!" landed in the Tsivilsky region. The mood of the holiday was given by children's creative teams led by E. Gordeeva in the concert program "The sun is laughing in the sky ...".

The meeting place for writers and readers on November 26 was the Yantikovskiy district. Here the guests were gathered by writers L. M. Sarine, N. Parchagan, V. P. Pugacheva, N. P. Izhendey, journalists of the children's newspapers "Tette", "Samant", "Tantash".

During the Marathon, a bookcrossing campaign took place, and book donation campaigns were held. So, like many years in a row, on the eve new year holidays children's libraries will receive a set as a gift from the President of Chuvashia N. V. Fedorov best books for kids.

The activity of children's libraries in promoting reading, spiritual, moral and patriotic education of children and adolescents is best demonstrated by their participation in the hit parade of book exhibitions "Reader Launched!". Literary and theatrical marathon finished in CHRDYUB.

The organization of cultural and leisure theatrical events that form a positive attitude towards reading and contribute to the multicultural education of the younger generation is also carried out by the Central Library. Yu. Gagarin, Novocheboksarsk, having created a theater of the book "Reading" at the library. The purpose of the Theater of the Book is, first of all, the spiritual rehabilitation of a person. For this, a book is taken and a performance is made. Usually the theatricalization of the book is not a complete repetition of the original. This approach is not accidental. Its essence lies in the fact that some kind of understatement remains, and it pushes the audience to read the book. The repertoire of the Reading Book Theater includes only the best works of literature for children and youth.

Each performance in a tactful, unobtrusive form tells about the basic values, without which a person has no right to be called a person: about love and fidelity, about tolerance and mercy, about kindness and courage. And together with the characters of the performance, the viewer is looking for an answer to difficult moral questions, learning to distinguish good from evil. Impressions from such communication with the book remain for life. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the created "intrigue" encourages passive viewers to become active readers later. The forms of work of the Theater of the book are very diverse: these are literary evenings, and theatrical fantasies, and lessons-performances, etc.


In order to popularize the book, presentations of the best books, evening meetings with Chuvash writers and poets, competitions and festivals of the national book are held, forms popular with young people are used: hit parades of favorite magazines, literary and artistic readings, various actions to promote reading outside the library territory in the form of theatrical performances and literary shows.

The most striking were: "Christmas Poetry Night in the Library", the VI Republican National Book Festival "Through the book - to the consent of peoples", the organization of the open-air reading room "Biblioplace - the territory of reading" and many others.

It has become traditional to hold the annual Festival of the National Book, which first started in 2002, involving an increasing number of participants every year. It has become a holiday that unites readers of all nationalities of the republic and evokes a lively response from the population, because. well-known writers, artists, representatives of Russian, Chuvash, Tatar and other publishing houses take part in it.

(certification work)

Belogortseva A. G.,
librarian of the Nedvigov Library No. 9
MUK "Library of the Nedvigovsky rural settlement",

At present, innovations have affected absolutely all types of human activity. The librarianship was no exception.

The main trend of recent years is the loss of the exclusive role of reading in the life of society. This situation is associated with great social risk, since reading is the most important way of mastering vital information. Without reading, the integration of the individual into the multinational Russian culture, which includes the whole complex of spiritual, material, intellectual traits, worldview systems, and traditions that characterize society, is inconceivable. The economy, politics, national security and competitiveness of the country largely depend on the level of cultural competence of citizens.

Under the conditions of information globalization, the weakening of interest in reading is a global trend, and in Russia this problem is becoming more acute. There is not only an alienation of young people from the book, the fall of the general book culture, but also the loss of national traditions of bookishness. The growth in the number of “non-readers”, the loss of interest in books and reading among various age and social categories requires close attention. Today in Russia the problems of reading are so serious that both the state and the whole society should take part in their solution.

In order to radically reverse the emerging crisis phenomena, it is necessary to rethink the organization of librarianship, because the future of libraries is not only the possession of funds, but also the qualitative provision of the reader with information. And therefore, we must constantly strive to be interesting, attractive to users and change a lot in the library in accordance with the times.

The main purpose of reading support is to create a positive public opinion about reading.

The National Program for the Support and Development of Reading generated a surge of creative activity: a number of libraries pleased with their new projects and a high level of understanding of complex problems. Festivals, contests, holidays spill out of libraries into city squares and streets, creating an atmosphere of joy around the book. Increasingly, librarians appear in print, on radio and television, helping people understand that reading is a pleasure, the happiness of knowledge and creativity.

Promotion of the book, reading is the main direction in the activity of each library.

Programs to promote books and reading are being implemented with the involvement of all categories of the population in libraries, but special attention is paid to promoting the reading of children, adolescents and young people. A necessary component of the modern educational activities of libraries today should be the motivation of children and young people to read useful literature, participate in various competitions, and creative self-realization.

A modern teenager is, first of all, a consumer of computer products, a person focused on the perception of virtual rather than verbal information. Today's student needs information to be presented vividly, dynamically, and preferably briefly. The main thing for a librarian is to attract attention, evoke an emotional reaction, a desire to pick up a book.

To instill in children the "habit of the library" is a process that requires gradualism. It is necessary that when preparing for lessons, they should “not avoid” the library - and this is a joint work of librarians with teachers. This work should begin with us from an early age, from kindergarten. And then the children will definitely become simply interested in the library, they will be drawn there ...

Serious work is needed to create a comfortable environment for intellectual communication. To do this, book collections should be completed mainly with highly artistic literature of various formats: books, periodicals, electronic publications with the obligatory involvement of the best and proven Internet resources.

The problem of organization of library space comes to the fore today. Today's library is designed to be multifaceted and different: with "noisy" and "quiet" areas, with open spaces and secluded recreational areas. Therefore, it is necessary to reconsider the organization of the library space, literally every corner of the room, making it as convenient and attractive as possible for users.

The layout and placement of departments and services in the library should ensure the comfort of staying and working in it.

An important point in creating an open comfortable library space and opening funds for users is a well-thought-out arrangement of furniture, primarily book and exhibition shelves. It is the arrangement and appearance of the shelves that determine the style of the entire library. Ways of arranging shelving can be very diverse: even parallel rows, "gallery", "zigzags". The arrangement of racks in a "semicircle" or "semi-oval" is currently of particular attraction.

It is necessary to create recreational areas in libraries for readers with comfortable furniture for rest and reading: tables, armchairs, banquettes and sofas. In these zones, you can create corners of intellectual relaxation, where you can solve a crossword puzzle, play chess, get acquainted with the latest issues of magazines and newspapers.

But not only modern design makes the library space comfortable. The main thing is a well-thought-out organization of funds, understandable even to a less experienced reader.

The availability of funds is considered an expression of trust, respect for readers, so even inevitable losses should not serve as a basis for limiting accessibility in the library. The arrangement of the free access fund requires special attention. In an open fund, where readers themselves browse and choose books, it is necessary to "adjust" to them.

Thus, the "multi-level" models created in libraries with work and leisure areas take into account the needs and interests of readers as much as possible. Each user occupies his own level - a certain zone of "open" space. At the same time, zoning will not have "hard" boundaries, and each reader, if desired, will be able to freely move from level to level until he finds the most convenient place for himself. He will be happy to visit the library where it is comfortable, cozy and modern, not only thanks to innovative methods of work, but also modern appearance, internal functional design.

Mass events, exhibitions- the most effective forms of attracting the attention of readers. Spectacular information is well perceived by the audience, increases the flow of users, encourages many people to turn to literary primary sources, and can improve the image of the library. Priority should be given to presentation, interactive forms of information and education, cultural and leisure activities, which will position reading as an integral part of the life of a modern person, necessary for successful educational, professional and creative activities. It is these forms of events that will make it possible to activate the reader's and creative interest of real and potential visitors, make reading and the book attractive and relevant in the eyes of users, especially young people, who often perceive the printed counterpart as an outdated format.

No one doubts that the development of computer technology enables the library to be competitive in the information services market. The computerization of libraries made it possible to apply new forms of work - video clock, media travel, media kaleidoscopes, electronic presentations which raised the library activities to a different level of quality.

Today, the country's libraries are actively using new, non-traditional forms of educational activities. Among them:

Festivals- “The whole world is a library!”, “Reading land”.

Various contests- creative works "With a book in life", virtual advertising "Reading with the mind", a contest of reading preferences "Leader of reading of the year", "Your choice, reader!" book."

Stock- “How to get to the library”, “With a book - to the future”, “Give a book to children”, “Declaration of love to your favorite writer”, “You are not reading yet - then we are going to you!”, “Enter a friend in the library” , "Let's read together!".

Open days– “Library is great!..”, “Library familiar and unfamiliar”, “Our doors and hearts are open for you!”, “What could be more beautiful than our library?!!”.

Cultural and leisure programs- "Sunday in the Library", "Library Night", "Library After-school".

Literary brain-rings- “In the circle of favorite books”, “Writers of our childhood”.

Comprehensive forms of book and reading promotion- "Day of reading pleasure", "Day with the writer", "Day of the literary gourmet", "Non-boring classics", "Day of the reader".

Round table- a complex form that has enriched itself with new content: "Youth and the book: are there any points of contact?", "Reading youth - the hope of the new Russia", "To read or not to read: in search of a compromise."

Popular forms in recent years have become Youth street flash mobs: "Favorite book", "A minute of reading", "How to get to the library?", "Open your book". The advantage of such actions is in mass character, speed and colorfulness. We plan in the future to organize and hold together with school library flashmob or, more precisely, flashbook "A Minute to Read". Its essence is that at a big break, high school students will put on bright T-shirts with a sewn slogan "In the computer - news, in the book - life" and will be distributed throughout the corridors of the school. At a certain time, a signal will sound, the student will simultaneously open their favorite books and read them aloud for a minute, showing by their example that it is fashionable and interesting to read.

Promotion of books and reading in transport and recreation areas- “Literary gazebo in the park”, “Reading boulevard”, “Book alley”, “Read-courtyard”, Literary readings “On the steps”, “Summer reading room under the open sky”, “With a book on a bench”, “Book in road!”, “Reading without stopping”, “Reading route”, “Literary bus”, etc.

Summer Reading Programs“Vacation without a book is summer without the sun.”

Events aimed at the revival of family traditions of reading: actions "Reading as a gift to mom", "Reading from the cradle", "The first books for our baby" (in maternity hospitals, all newborns are issued a library card, and parents are given sets of literature, booklets, memos and lists); competition "Dad, mom, book, me: together - a book family"; an hour of reflection for parents “What do our children read?”; parental hour “There will be a way in the family, if the book is happy”, family holiday “Take the book to the family circle”; family reading circle "Read it"; evening-meeting with the book "What my parents read"; quiz "The theme of the family in works of art"; complex forms "Family Benefits", "Family Reading Day".

Bright innovative forms of work to promote the book attract young people. Therefore, library specialists are looking for something new in their work, creatively approaching events for the younger generation. Poetry rings, literary stagecoaches, dossiers, New Book Days, Days of Literary Games, Birthday Book Days, book defile, literary salons, poetry swings, literary salons, etc. are held in all libraries for young people. bookcrossing.

While promoting books and reading, librarians constantly study readers' opinions about literature, identify their preferences and assessments, and conduct surveys. For example, blitz polls"Ten books that shocked you", "What role does reading play in your life?", "In my family they read"; telephone surveys about reading habits flash polls with a video camera" Do you like reading books?"; questioning“Culture, reading, library through the eyes of youth”, “Library of my dreams”, “You and your library”, “Book, reading, library in your life”; monitoring"Who are you, our reader?"

Exhibition activity becomes more informative, concise, unconventional, with the involvement of artistic and decorative elements, natural material, drawings, crafts, things and objects that help create the image of a person or era.

Libraries should take an active part in the campaigns held by book publishing and bookselling organizations aimed at popularizing reading. Such as the projects of the AST publishing house “Read books!” and EKSMO publishing house "Read books - it's harmful not to read!". They provide us with a wealth of illustrated material on the benefits of reading. In the first project, modern fashionable writers appeal to read books, in the second, readers share their vision of the problem of reading. Who is a "reader"? How to combine reading and the dynamics of life? What awaits the one who abandoned the books? What will get the one who finds time to read? All these questions will undoubtedly arouse the interest of regulars and attract potential readers to reading. Our library has taken an active part in these events promoting books and reading.

When developing any promotional product, it is important to pay attention to the development of a slogan. Slogan - advertising slogan or a motto containing a concise, easily perceived, effective formulation of an advertising idea. It gives emotional meaning to the entire advertising campaign. For example: "Come. Had seen. I read it!”, “Go through life with a book!”, “Successful people read a lot!”, “Come in! Look! READ!", "A person who reads is a successful person!", "Create your future - read!", "Reading is great!", "Strive to be a reader - sign up for the library!", "Come. Had seen. Read it!”, “Read always, read everywhere!” etc.

Promotion of books and reading in the electronic environment.

Today, the library space is also the virtual space of the library. Librarians in the electronic environment create their own communities, interest groups, discuss current topics, exchange work experience. The presence of a Web site in the library significantly increases its status. After all library website is its image in the information space. Library blogs act as a tool for promoting library news, exchanging experience in promoting books and reading, informing about upcoming events, new acquisitions in the library fund, attracting a new audience, creating an online reading club where you can discuss books.

Libraries form and enhance the information culture of users and the entire local population, teaching them computer literacy in library resources and the basics of working on the Internet. Information culture services are being created at many libraries, and free computer courses for various segments of the population are operating, where the basics of computer and information literacy are taught. These courses are becoming very popular, especially among the elderly.

And, of course, we should not forget about the corporate identity, which includes the development of a logo, letterheads, business cards, invitations, certificates, diplomas for rewarding readers, etc. A set of graphic elements that libraries use on corporate order forms, advertising materials, publishing products allows you to create a holistic view of the activities of the library, so that it is remembered and recognized as a kind and good friend.